Stupid stupid stall...
Okay so going into this I knew that stalls were normal...and the first week of my stall I felt confident that things would start moving along again. But now- I AM DEPRESSED. I am 4 weeks out yesterday and I lost about 24lbs the first 2 weeks and then I haven't lost anything in 2 WEEKS! I know people have stalled longer than me but this is so depressing. Why did I go through all this to only lose weight for two weeks? Am I doing something wrong? Im beating myself up over everything- like my NUT told me I could eat f/f nsa fudgesicles as long as they didnt make me dump, so I have that the reason why Im not losing? I added onions to my eggs before I was supposed to and I put a little crushed pineapple in the sauce I made my chicken with...I know those are things that yes Im not supposed to have yet but a tiny bit of pineapple and half a tiny onion are not things that are going to make someone gain weight. Can someone kick me in the butt PUH-LEASE?

Hi -
I'm not a expert in all this but, I don't think that onions or pineapple would create a 4 week stall. How is your protein and water? Maybe increase both even if you are doing the correct amount. I have been cooking normal for my family and I eat the same as them, just alot less.
Have you been excercising alot? sometimes that takes a while to catch up. I'm sorry you are going thru this - it is so frustrating i agree. I don't weigh myself every day or week for that matter. I would get to crazy with myself.
Are your clothes fitting bigger - maybe your losing inchs and the pounds will catch up....
Iknow that this is not much help - but i hope it pass soon for you.
Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it! I have started walking on the tredmill and its tough so Im starting slow but it feels good and Im glad about that. I have no problem getting in water I drink between 64-90 oz a day, all my vitamins, and my protein...but I think Im going to up the protein and maybe make better protein choices. I found a smart-forme flavor I really like so Im going to start drinking one of those everyday. I know lost inches off my neck because my pearl necklace finally fits so I guess I'll take the rest of my measurements...its just still depressing when the scale doesnt move but all I can do is hang in there. 24lbs in two weeks is fast right? body is just catching up, right? haha
Hi there,
I have been stalled now for 12 days. I have increased my protein to 95-100, drink my water, and exercise and still mother nature is fighting me for the pounds I am trying to shed AND ALLOW THEM TO REFLECT ON THE SCALES...... I know I'm doing everyting properly and have to believe that this stall will pass very soon. Hang in there, you are not alone. I didn't go through this for only 16.5 lbs either. It is most frustraiting. I just know it will get better soon. I have a feeling it won't be the first stall we will see in our journey for what it's worth.