What EXACTLY is everyone doing for exercise?? I just started.....

I don't go for distance, I go for time. I try to walk at least 40-50 minutes every day, sometimes I break it up into 2 or 3 sessions on the treadmill but if the weather is ok I'll go outside and walk. The point is to keep your heart rate up for a specific amount of time, the distance isn't all that important. But it is good to have goals to shoot for. When I'm outside walking I can walk about 3 miles in 45-50 minutes, sometimes I'm a little slower on the treadmill.
Anyway, that's what I do. I plan to start some toning exercises with free weights one of these days
Good luck to you,

Hey- I'm just starting too!!!
I'm gonna do the treadmill at first too- the one mile thing... I know it doesn't sound like much- but I just don't want to get hurt- so the slower the better...
Also- I am soooo glad you posted about your period. I just got over my first one and OMG- RIVER!!! I was a little scared- it's never been that heavy- BUT- I used to use Advil and I think that slows down the bleeding some. Post- surgery I'm not supposed to take Advil- so I just dealt with it.
Thanks for your post!!!
Hi - I started with 12 min on the recumbant bike, 3 - 4 times a week. i switched to 15 min on the elypitcal and I increase 1 min. every week. I'm up to 16 min. - seems like not alot, but I feel it in my legs thats for sure.I try to do that at least 5 times a week. I have my 6 week check up next week and hopefully I will be cleared for cardio kick boxing and abdominal excercises.
HI Everyone!! Sounds you like you all are doing great!! I started working out last Friday when i went back to work. I dont have a distance but a time goal...I did the treadmill for 30 minutes and worked my arms out for about 5 minutes. Then on Monday I did the tread mill for 30 minutes and the elliptical for 10, the stair stepper for 10 min and then arm work for about 5 mins....and of course that was all way too much for Monday..so Tuesday I went back to the treadmill for 30 and I mostly do the treadmill until my 6 week check up and then move back to the elliptical machine. I am going to try to work out at least 4 days a week for now. I had my first period last week too and it was pretty light....thank goodness!!! But anyway....Chat with you all later.
Hiyas Jill, I am only walking at the moment. That's the only thing my doc will let me do at the moment. Hoping to get the go ahead on my 1 month appointment. When that happens I will continue the 1.5 mile walk and add weight training and maybe a class when I feel I'm up for it. I am hoping to be able to run after awhile. I love to run.