Update on my stricture
Well the procedure did not work. I had the procedure last Wednesday and today I had to have it done again. I was told that I possibly had to go thru this a third time but they found an ulcer so the gave me medicine to cure the ulcer and then I probably will have to be stretched again. This is the pits but I guess there is no other way to fix me. It is still hard to eat but drinking water has gotten better. My water has to be Ice cold to numb the path going down or I can't drink it. Well I just thought I would update on my condition. Thanks to everyone for there concern.
Hi Alice,
Remember when I told you that we have someone in our support group that also had to go in for a treatment for stricture? Well, she went in recently and was told it wasn't a stricture at all but it is an ulcer. I wonder what causes the ulcers to occur? Did you doc tell you? I guess the symptoms are similar for both problems.
I'm awfully sorry to hear you are having to go through so much with this. It will be great when this is all behind you.