It's been 3 days
since my procedure to fix my stricture. I am not doing much better than before the procedure. I can swallow food and water but It makes me naucious. every time I eat i have to fight not to throw-up so I eat verry littleprobably about a teaspoon at a time. I hope this passes soon. If I had it my way I would not eat alt all I do fine with jus****er. my surgen says if I dont eat I will wither to nothing. I am trying but to tell you the truth I would rather sleep so I dont have to face these changes going on with my body the good thing i I have lost 45 lbs in 25 days. Well thanks for listening. I will keep you updated. Oh ya I forbid any of you to go thru this I have suffered for all of us.

Hi Alice,
I'm so sorry you are not feeling back to yourself quite yet. This does not sound fun at all. My goodness, 45 lbs in only 25 days....AMAZING!!! I have lost 16.5 in about 21 days so you are waaaayyyyy ahead of me and most of us I'm sure. That's looking at the brighter side anyway.
Take care and get lots of rest hon. It's bound to get better soon.
Alice, I am so sorry you are having to go through all this. The doc is right hon you have to eat. Are you getting your protein in? Your vitamins and such? I know it really bites to eat right now but you need to do it. Most likely that is why you want to energy from not eating enough. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you get over this soon. Have you talked to the doc yet about how you are doing now?
On the bright side 42 But I sure would not want to do it that way. Get plenty of rest and get as much as you can in.
Love you hon!!!
I am so sorry to hear you are still not feeling better, have you asked Dr. Higa for some anti nausea medicine? I know they are pretty good about that over there. Maybe if you can take one of those before eating it would help. I drink Dannon Light and fit yogurt smoothie when I am not feeling like eating and it is pretty goo, I usually drink about half. I will pray for a speedy recovery for you Alice.