First Post Op Visit
Good Morning everyone!! I went in for my first post op visit today and I down 17 lbs
since the Monday before my surgery! I am so excited! I guess a diet of chicken and beef broth really works!! And I still dont feel hungry! That is really amazing to me. I got a full release from the doctor too. How is everyone else doing today?

I'm doing well thank you. I'm down 15 lbs from my surgery date of 1/24/07 and feeling well. Started to introduce new foods and can see that ground beef and I are at a standoff for the time being. Intollerances are no fun but a reality for sure. Eggs, tuna fish, cheese so far I am tollerating well, and milk products too.
Thanks for asking.
Hey Steph!
Sounds like you are doing great!
I went for my 1 week post op yesterday and got that nasty drain removed. I feel awesome. They also released me to eat creamy soups, smoothies, and grits. YIPPEE!!!
AND I went back to work today. I feel aches, pains, or weakness. As of today I am down 17 lbs. as well. We sound like we are on the same path...

Glad you got that drain out Lori!! And how cool is it that we are weight loss twins!! lol I will be able to have grits tomorrow and I can't wait. That is one of my favorite things to eat. I am going back to work tomorrow because I am bored out of my mind!! I am glad you are not having a hard time being back at work too. I think its good to go back towards the end of the week because you get the weekend to recover again if needed. What else has been up?
Hiyas Stephanie, glad to hear your first post-op went so good. 17lbs is so awesome!! I am down 14lbs but expect to drop a few tomorrow or the next day. That seems to be the pattern for me. Lose about 3 lbs and then stay there for 2-3 days then do it again. I have another week left before I can eat soft foods. But it isn't so bad. I can eat grits and creamed soups and such. Can't wait for the next week to go by.