Surgery done, am doing good!
I am back home, a bit sore but am doing went smooth, Dr S is so amazing, and he is so caring....I feel like I was taken care of really well.
I was the only one overnight and had a nurse and a LPN to myself. What a service.
I went home this morning, after the barium swallow, which wasn't really bad.
I don't think I am going to make it quite to 80 Oz of fluid today.
Coughing hurts a bit but besides that I am fine....I gained weight, as expected, all that fluid inside me.
My sugars spiked and they gave me insulin 3 times, but it's down must have been al the steroids and antibiotics....
Hiyas Gina!!! Woooooooot!!!! 

Welcome home and welcome to the losers bench!! Sounds like you had a good experience!! That is so awesome and that extra weight will just drop off so fast. As Joy said it just gets better from here out. Woooohoooo we are going to have such an awesome year girlfriend!!!

Hi Gina,
Welcome home. Today is 11 days since my surgery and I can honestly tell you that after the first week, you start to feel so much better. First week isn't as bad as when I had my hysterectomy, not by a long shot.
I gained 5 lbs when first home from hospital, but it left by the next day, plus a pound.
Just take care of yourself and follow your doctors orders. It took me until my 7th day to reach my 64 oz daily required fluid (I think different surgeons have different recommendations and mine recommmends 64 oz) Now it is much easier to drink without any discomfort whatsoever.
I had to remain on my blood pressure meds even after I left the hospital (many are off as they leave) but I'm so happy to say, I was off of them after 6 days post op. It's wonderful to get off of meds and I hope you will too.
Take care and rest up; you need it. We will be here for when you are feeling up to posting again.