I'm home and feeling GREAT!!!
I had my surgery on 01/17/07 @ around 10am. The surgery and recovery went great. I never had an bad pain. I've had worse pain from cramps than I had after surgery. I realize that I am truly blessed. I was in the hospital 2 days and I have been home for 2 days. Still no pain and no other issues. I am still a little swollen. I got a little depressed when I was released. My pre-op weight was 362, surgery day my weight was 348, and my release weight was 357. When I seen that 357 I almost cried. The nurse must have seen it on my face and she explained to me that it is probably mostly fluid and the fact that I am still swollen. Anyway as of today I am at 345. That is a loss of 17, 3, and 12 pounds
. Whichever one it is, it is a loss and I feel great. I'm going with the 12 pounds. Today will be my first day of walking. I was going to walk around my subdivision but it has been raining since yesterday. So I am going to pull out my Walk Away the Pounds and try the 1 mile.
I want to thank EVERYONE for the emails, words of encouragement, and prayers. I really appreciate them and I believe they aided in my uneventful surgery and recovery.

I just read one of your emails just the other day on how your weren't sure if you were having it or not due to some financial stuff. i just happen to go into the January surgery dates because i just had mine on the 16th! i had really bad gas pains and i was very weepy and scared. weird. but now i'm better and better every day. good luck on your journey. I just wanted to say hi
My doctors dosen't use the drain anymore. My biggest pain was the PICC line. The uppper part of my right arm is still a little sore and today is has turned from black to blue so I guess it is getting better.
The biggest problem that I am having is whey protein. I think I am allergic to the soy. Everytime I try to eat it I start to fell puky
. I am going to call my dietician today and see what are my other options. I KNOW I am not getting in enough protein daily.
My favorite thing to eat during this puree stage is mash potatoes and I make them real soupy with cream of chicken soup and low fat milk. I make it real runny, but it taste great. Try it
Stay in touch and congratulation on a successful surgery