I'm on my way....
In about 90 minutes I'll be on my way to the hospital. Surgery scheduled for 11:30a.m. I'm just a tad bit nervous, a little scared. But mostly just excited to have the day finally here and wanting to get on the other side of surgery. Kind of like a wedding day...
Just kidding. Sort of.
If you feel like praying specifically, one of my "fear" things is that I'm severely allergic to pennicillin and anything remotely related to pennicillin. My fear is that someone will accidentally give me a pennicillin relative without knowing it's a pennicillin relative. This happened to my father following heart surgery (he was also allergic), nearly killed him and did leave him brain damaged. Anyway, my surgeon knows all this, and my husband will stand guard as long as he's able to make sure what they're putting in me. I even made a complete list of all the pen. family drugs so he can be double sure.
Thanks for praying!! I'll see y'all on the other side of surgery!!

Interestingly, I just now read your post...and it is just about 11:30 am your time. So, I am praying for you, your surgeon, and your anesthetist right this minute. I am also praying for your family. May you have an uneventful surgery, and a quick recovery. May you have an attitude which assists your healing.
Most of all, may you allow the Heavenly Father to give you His peace and assurance.
God bless,