worried about the cold!
Everyone around me is getting SICK!!!!
I don't want to postphone my surgery!!!
So 1000 mg of Vit C 2 multivit a day....
Wish me luck that I don't catch it from my kids!
Right now I got the occasional cough and my nose is a bit stuffy, but that's it
Any ideas of how to prevent it?
Anyone know at one point they send you home and tell you to reschedule?
Gina, I had the same problem with the cold thing. I took walborn which is Walgreens version of Airborne. I took it every day plus the extra vit C. I also did Zicam when I felt the first signs and it never got bad and just kind of faded away...I did get a sinus infection though and am on antibiotics. I am also doing probiotics with the antibiotics as the they will destroy all the good bacteria in your intestines. Hope this helps and I will be praying that you do not get whatever crud is going around at the moment.
Hey Guys,
I'm on antibiotics now b/c I have tonsilitis.. now since my tonsils are fine I'm worried about my sinuses.. So I'm taking extra vit C and theraflu... My doctor says that you can't be on any type of antibiotics 2 weeks before surgery so my last day is Wednesday
Anna... It's good that you are on antibiotics and but you should start taking the probiotics during you last day of antibiotics because taking them at the same time will cancel each other out...
Just remember all Jan 2007 surgery peeps.. just wash your hand and use LYSOL!!
Hope no one else gets sick
I had the same things 2 weeks ago. I went to my PCP immediately and got some Antibiotics. I couldn't chance it on whether or not it would go away or get worse before surgery. Your surgery is in 2 weeks. Go to your PCP let him tell you its nothing or give you something for it so that you will be healthy in time for surgery.
I know what your going through. I currently sick now with a head cold and my left ear is plugged with fluid. Not to mention my husband and 2 yr old is also sick. And to add more salt to the wound I have broken out in hives do to stress because my surgery is in 2wks on the 30th. I really hope that you get better soon! It's hard when you have other sick people around!!!