Home and in pain
I was so glad to get home, to sit in my big comfy recliner (rented especially for surgery lol) and not have nurses come in every few minutes to poke me with needles, jam thermometers in my mouth and squeeze the hell out of my arm with a blood pressure cuff. But the flip side was a lack of those WONDERFUL meds they had been pumping into me since early Wednesday afternoon.
Everything went well though, thankfully. Not a single complication so far. So once the pain and swelling are down and the drain tube is removed, I'll be happy as a hog!
I'll post a little more on my profile/blog as soon as I'm feeling better. I'll even include a picture or two lol, if no one minds seeing my bloated, saggy, stetch-mark scarred, bruised stomach hehe. What a mental picture, eh?
All things considered, I'm thankful things are going so well. I know the pain, swelling and bloating are only temporary and will fade quickly. I'm already working on my protein and supplements, as I can tolerate them. I'll work on increasing that each day until I'm up to my "ideal" levels.
So thanks to those who kept me in your thoughts/prayers! It was such a great help and I'm looking forward to moving on with my "new life!"
Keri M
Wooooooot! Congratulations on becoming a big loser!! What a great attitude too...you are going to do awesome
Did they not give you any pain medication for at home? I am going to ask for some. Great to hear you didn't have any complications too. Also that you are tolerating protein and liquids. Awesome news. Glad you are back home Keri!!

Thank you everyone! Every day is better than the last day!
Drainage is looking better and pain is tolerable. I'm trying to get some more walking in today (if it were a bit warmer than 20 degrees outside, I'd give a walk around the block a try lol). I think I'll feel better to get moving a little more. I think the majority of my pain is coming from the muscles that were stretched during surgery, although I can feel lots of pain coming from "inside" too. My surgeon authorized the use of Tylenol in between dosings of Oxycodone, to help get me through the last few hours (it didn't seem like the pain meds were carrying me through the full six hours). But after a few doses of Tylenol I decided that wasn't going to work - it hurts my stomach and then leaves me a little nauseated. Not worth it lol. So like I said, each day is better than the last, and hopefully tuesday I'll get this darn drain tube out, and I know that will help SO much!