New to the board
Hey there everyone! I am new to the board, and I enjoy reading everyone's posts. It is very inspiring to me. I just went to my PCP and inquired about the WLS. He said I was a good candidate, and referred me to a Bariatric Surgeon. I have to fill out paper work, and then schedule a meeting with the surgeon. I am so anxious and excited. This is something that I want more than anything. My insurance, Healthlink will even pay for it. There seems to be alot of red-tape as far as past medical history, but it will all be well worth it. I cant wait to post my surgery date on the board. Anyone who has any advice or comments, please reply..
Anxiously waiting,
Hi Rhonda and welcome aboard!! You will find this website very helpful and informative. Patience is the key
although it's easier said than done. I have heard the process can go really fast and others have said that it took longer. For me, it was pretty quick, the entire process took me 4 months from the beginning to now and I'm just waiting for my surgery date (January 25, 2007) so hang in there and I look forward to chatting with on this site.