I am back and MISERABLE
It has to get better than this right? Otherwise so many people wouldn't say it was the best thing they ever did.
When I left for the hospital, I weighed 242. When I returned from the hospital I weighed 248. I was shocked. But of course I was loaded with fluids. This morning I weighed 244, so I decided to place the scale in the cabinet for a week and see what happens.
Right now I am holding more gas than a big rig, and it hurts from time to time. But I am pressing forward. Walking around does get the gas moving so that is good.
It is very true what they say, I was not hungry at all and still am not hungry. It is tough getting the liquids down, because as soon as I do the gas builds again.
Gas-x strips are fantastic for that.
The first night in the hospital was not fun. I woke from the surgery in pain. and demanded medication. They gave it to me and the pain left ASAP. That was great. It does feel really good to walk around so I highly recommend you do that a lot. Also, make sure you are coughing. I didn't think much of the coughing until I was doing it. Yes, it hurts, but it makes your life soooo much easier.
I am looking forward to getting out of this first couple of weeks. I think once my body settles into it's new anatomy I will be fine. But right now. I am grumpy.
I think I am starting to get the hang of this. I am still miserable, but am doing what I can to make myself feel better.
I am having serious head hunger, I was a carb aholic, and this is really difficult. I almost convinced myself that if I chewed it to liquid, I could have a cracker. I came to my senses and avoided it.
For those of you creating lists. Add Tylenol Go Tabs to your list too. I had them last night with no issue.
Crystal Light
Popsicles (sugar Free)
Pudding pops (sugar free)
unsweetened applesauce (strawberry is my fav)
Jello sugar free.
I am not going to lie, I am having a rough time of it, but I am trying to be brave. I did have a small crying spell this morning feeling like I made the wrong choice, but I think that it is all the gas and bloating talking. I will check in again at the end of next week and give more of a report.
Hugs to you all and thank you for all your well wishes
Revision on 01/21/13
I'm back and miserable, too. I know what you're feeeling. I actually weighed the same amount that I came to the hospital yet. I was thinking all this and not even 1 pound. I, too am very sore myself. We'll get through it. It's just going to take time. Heads up.

Cystal, you are still an inspiration. I know you will be back here in a month saying nothing but wonderful things. I imagine to myself that the pain and suffering of WLS is like the pain and suffering of childbirth. Once the pain stops and you see the result, the anguish is nothing but a faint memory! Keep on trucking, the hardest part is already over!