I am new to the message board so I hope that this works !! I have a surgery date of January 23rd and I am getting very excited but at the same time I am very nervous. The reality of everything i****ting me in the face and I feel like I am not prepared. I have attended the nutrition classes but I am not sure of what I should be doing, what I will be doing in a couple of weeks and how to make that transition.
Does anyone have any suggestions that helped ease their stress prior to surgery?
This website is so very helpful. I always read everyone's comments and concerns because you will soon see that everyone is different. I started by making sure I have everything I need for the hospital and after surgery. I started on some protein shakes to see what I like (it may change after surgery) and started drinking plenty of water water water!!! I also eat very small portions at a time and chew my food very well. Welcome aboard and congrats on your surgery date. I hope this is somewhat helpful.
I think the thing that helps me most is knowing that being nervous pre-op is the norm. Just knowing others are nervous too really helps. I'm a bit anxious, but confident surgery is the right decision for me.
I admit that last Saturday I was a basket case. I found myself just all weepy....questioning why I couldn't have victory with weight loss through diet and exercise like everyone (uh? what? who? whatever!) else. That I must be just a loser in the bad sense of the word, a failure because I couldn't stick with it, or be consistant or whatever. I really beat myself up bad.
What's cool about that is I pretty much got all of that grieving over what might have been out of my system. I feel much more...I don't know....READY to face my new life in less than a week.
As far as suggestions...Hang out here, this is a great resource for all kinds of info and support! Go for a walk every day! Make healthy choices with your food whether you're on a pre-op diet or not! Take your vitimins! Drink lots of fluid! Get as educated as possible regarding post-op. Make a plan for post op. Just be prepared. And cry and question as necessary, but then just press on towards where we are going, you know?
Stepping off the soapbox now!!
Take care, I'll be praying for you.

Hi Danielle
I was in your shoes this time last week, was a wreck, crying and even got to the point where I was having second thoughts about going for surgery. I posted on the board, had some lovely replies which helped ease my fears. I reminded myself ´if your name is on a day youre going to go anyway, wherever you are, whatever youre doing so calm down, this is the start of a new life for you. When I went to the hospital on Monday I was calmer than I´d been in weeks and right away met someone who had the same surery the day before which helped a lot. I am home now, 5 days post op and feeling great.
very best wishes are sent to you to wish you a speedy recovery.
Milania x