How did you know WLS was right for you?

Susan D.
on 1/9/07 1:36 pm
I have been struggling for over 15 years with my weight. I have tried every program, diet book, diet pill and every crazy scheme out there. I am so ready to give up and be fat forever, but I want to give it just one more try. Surgery is so scary for me, I just want to know how you all came to this decision? Thanks
on 1/9/07 4:25 pm - Ft Gordon, GA
I tried many different diet and exercise plans. I had been looking into it for a while and I asked my doctor about it and she felt that it would be a good thing for me. I am only 24 and dont want to spend the rest of my life feeling the way that I feel about my body that I have for the last few years. I think that its a personal decision, best of luck what ever you decide.
on 1/9/07 8:54 pm
I've been struggling with my weight for more than 15 years. I lost about 70 lbs a few years ago on Atkins and was really excited about that success, but over the past 2 years have gained it all back, while continuing to diet and exercise (though not as consistantly as before). That was a huge discouragement for me. I'm 47 years old. My first grandchild was born this year. I just didn't want to waste any more of my life on this struggle, ya know? I want to run and play with my grand-daughter for a long long time! So here I am, surgery in a week.
gina P.
on 1/9/07 10:23 pm - graham, WA
U know, for the most part I was ok with the fat self that I am. I wasn't isolated, did go out, have alot of friends, but what really got me going was my health. I can't go on like this, diabetes, sometimes hip sometimes knee problems...colestorol to high because I am diabetic..but if I wasn't, then shoot I would be I want to do things with my kids! Disney..and all... I did try every diet there was, but didn't get nowhere, yo yo dieting was describing exactly what I did...loose 50 BANG it's back on.... So I decided to do something for myself...get healthy...get rid of the diabetes and other things.. The decision is ultimatly yours, you are going to have to come to terms with it... Good luck deciding. Gina
Tricie 40
on 1/10/07 1:02 am - Back Home For Good, IL
I am 43 with 3 kids and 2 grand kids. I have been obese to morbid obese to now what they call super obese at 5'7, 355 pounds. My surgery is scheduled for 01/17/07. Just this morning while sitting on the toilet, I started thinking is this the right choice. I have second thoughts about it every single day. And every single day I look in the mirror after I put on my 30/32 clothes and get depressed, I KNOW I am making the right decision. My health is getting worse and worse with every year and every pound I gain and lose. It has gotten to the point that I can't do more than I can do. I feel myself getting more out of shape with every breathless step I take. This has been a 4 year journey for me and the decision was not an easy one and it still not easy. This is the first time I am doing something for me and only me. I did not consult or consider anybody else when I made this decision. If I had, I probably wouldn't have gone thru this journey. Because weight is such a personal issue, the decision on how you deal with it is personal as well. I wish you all the luck and will pray that you make the right decision for you.
on 1/10/07 2:17 am - Austin , TX
Anyone who has struggeled with their weight is not even aware this option might be open to them. I think when you get to the point where it affects the quality of your life, by that I mean, your not going and doing things that other people your age are enjoying. As you age your health will be affected by the excess weight, it can't not be at some point. What that level needs to be is something you won't know until you get there! Some people can carry extra weight as long as it doesn't get too out of control and not have any health issues and except for how unhappy they may be with the way they look, they can still function pretty well. Giving up on diets doesn't mean your ready for weight loss surgery. Your BMI index needs to be at a certain level, I believe around 40, and you should have issues regarding your health that would even begin to qualify you for this surgery. I would suggest you go into some of the bariatric websites and read all you can, even web md is a good place to start. Some of the sites will calculate your BMI for you. Scottsdale Barriatric .com is a good one. When people get to considering WLS they have pretty much exhausted all other options and have a true medical neccessity. Surgery should be scary, it's not to be done without some careful consideration. Risk versus benefit. It doesn't hurt to ask how people came to their decision, but their reason's for the procedure may not be the same as yours. The fact that you are willing to give a new diet one more try says you think things are still within your control. You may want to realize at some point, a diet really isn't going to work. Any diet works for the time your on it. Then when you go off, you'll gradually gain back the weight and maybe more. You need to be able to function in the world eating normal food, find out what the portion size needs to be for your activity level and live your life that way. There isn't any way to get out of doing some kind of exercise that you enjoy and can become a part of daily living that will allow you to control your weight over the long term. I would suggest you get involved with a good nutrician plan that shows you how to change how your eating , modify the behavior , and add the exercise. If you can do this over the long term, you won't need weight loss surgery and you won't have the issues we have. Good Luck, hope this helps.......
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