My surgery is scheduled.
Hi everyone,
My surgery is scheduled for Jan. 22. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I have a miserable cold with congestion in my chest, and hope it's gone in time for me to feel well again before surgery! I've already lost about 55 lbs. on the liquid protein diet getting ready for surgery, and am looking forward to a much improved quality of life, with a much healthier body.
May God bless you all.
Big Hugs,
Wooooohoooo Congrats on getting your date! Welcome to the Jan 07 board!!
I can relate. I just got a cold and it usually goes into my chest...hasn't yet so praying it won't I am taking zicam and some other immune system booster. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy surgery day!!! I am 2 days behind you! Wow it is going to be such a great year!!!
I will add you to the list. I am keeping a list and posting it on Fridays. The list is to help those who would like to connect with others having the same type of surgery or on the same day..etc. I'll mail it to you once I add you.
I know how you feel my surgery is the 25th and I have been having the same dream every single night about the surgery. I wake up thinking that I'm in the hospital. Saturday morning around 4 a.m. I kept tossing and turning thinking my stomach was hurting because of the surgery when in reality it really did hurt and I can't explain that pain, maybe just nerves. Congrats on your date!! We are all here to support you.
Hi Pearl,
Thanks to you, too, for the congrats. I really appreciate everyone's support. I know it's hard to do, but try to relax. Have you told your doctor about the bad dreams? He may be able to help you. I'm a worrier, too, but I keep thinking of all the things I'll be able to do down the road, when I'm smaller and much healthier.
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you on the 25th. God bless you.
Big Hugs,

Hi - Congrats on your surgery. I have surgery tomorrow and I've been fighting a cold and scratchy throat since thurs. My doctors office told me to take 2000mg vitamin c a day and take airborne or zicam or cold eze and it has really helped. I feel fine for tommorrow. I have also found that mucinex helps for chest congestion. Hope you get better and all goes well.
Hi Marta,
Thank you for the contrats, and the info on helps for my cold. Several people have mentioned Zicam to me. I've been taking a cough medicine for diabetics that helps with the cough and loosens the congested stuff. It helps, but I'm going to check out Zicam.
Sorry you've had a cold, but glad you feel fine for tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you!
Big Hugs,

Hi Lynn,
Welcome to our group. I think it is amazing that you lost 55 pounds already, that is awesome. I hope you feel better for your surgery. I understand, I had a severe drug allergy with a rash all over my body that caused me to cancel surgery dates on 10/31 and 12/4. I am good to go for 1/9 and keep praying that nothing happens in the meantime. Keep us posted, and keep thinking positive, you will be okay by 1/22.
All the best
Hi Jeri,
I've been on the liquid diet since 10/11. I've also been doing water exercise, although I haven't been able to go since before Christmas. I don't know if I should try going back before the cold is gone, or not. I'm afraid if I do, the cold may get worse, although it is a warm water pool.
I'm sorry you had to reschedule your surgery twice. Bummer! I'm glad you're well now, and ready for surgery 1/9.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Big Hugs,

I' m 2 days behind you(01/17/06) and I started feeling bad on Dec 30th. As soon as my PCP office opened on Jan 2nd I was their and waiting. I wanted to gets some meds so I could be 100% for my surgery. I could not stand to reschedule it AGAIN. Today is my last day on the meds and I feel 80% better. I hope you feel better. Save a seat for me on the other side.