1/9 surgery....YIKES!!!
Just four days out and I am excited and scared. I am trying to keep focused on the end result, a new and thinner me, but I am afraid of losing a good friend- food. Although I realize food is a false friend, it has given presents I don't like- diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint pain, low self esteem, and I am sure there is more.
Good luck to everyone on this board, may January be the start of great things for all of us. Wishing everyone a uneventful surgery and an easy recovery.
All the best
Jeri Isaacs
Jeri and Milania,
You're both going to do great! There is a mourning process as we say good bye to huge plates of foods and good bye to food as a whole for a little while. But you hit it on the head when you say it's a false friend. It's time to look at food as fuel for our bodies and not as any type of "friend." Easier said than done, I know.
The hardest part for me right now is the "head hunger." I see my family eat something or see it on TV and think, "Oohh, that sounds/looks good" even though I am not the least bit hungry. That is what got me here in the first place.
This is an exciting time for all of us and it's a great thing to have others to share it with! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!!

You read my mind. Mine is tomorrow and the feelings of loss sometimes have been overwhelming. Then comes the self pity and then the anger! Then I focus on the fact that food has robbed me of all those things you mentioned and I get a grip on myself once again. Thanks for expressing feelings I have been trying to escape. Maybe that's why I have a weight problem in the first place? lol!
God bless and have a very successful surgery on Tuesday.