Surgery Date January 17, 2007

on 12/30/06 10:04 pm - NY
Hello my name is Kelly, I have a surgery date of January 17, I am very scared, and excited at the same time. MY husband keeps saying what if you die. I am now scared I am going to die. I do not know what to say. I have an 11 year old that should not have to live without his mother. I don't think I am going to die, but there is always that chance..any suggestions to ease my fears???
Anna Bryant
on 12/30/06 11:10 pm - Roanoke, VA
Hiyas Kelly. Congrats on getting your date and welcome to the January board. Your hubby is just worried. This is definitely a personal choice that only you can make. However here is how I look at it. First of all I made sure that if something were to happen to me my family will be financially set. I have a 5 year old boy. He and my hubby are my life. That is why I am going to do this. Think of what the risks are of you staying obese and maybe gaining more weight and what that would mean to your health. The benefits for me far outweigh the risks. Yes you could die any of us could. Right now we don't really have a life as I am not able to do things with them. They go without me and if I were to continue the way I am I have knee replacement, wheel chair confinement or even death to look forward to. No thanks I choose living for myself and my family. You have to go with what is in your heart hon. No one can make that choice for you. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that your are able to come to terms with the choices you make. Anna
on 12/31/06 3:26 am - Middle Island, NY
Hi Kelly my date is the 24th and I am also scared, excited and nervous. I know the risks and also know the risks if I don't have the surgery. Only you can decide what to do but with the surgery you will be able to do things you may not have been able to do. My goal is to be around to spend time with my dh and girls so that is what I think about and it does calm me down. Good luck and I know it easy to say but try an relax and see the benefits which is why you decided on surgery in the first place. Joy
Alice Urrutia
on 12/31/06 4:02 am - Fresno, CA
Hello Kelly, Congratulations on becoming a January baby. Your hubbys fears are normal. My husband gets a sad look on his face every time my surgery is mentioned. I have had several people ask me if I am afraid to die. and I reply NO I am not afraid to die I don't want to die. I am having this surgery to stay alive. I have diabetes and it is consuming me. I am already dieing, and I am trying to stay alive. If for some reason God decides I need to be with him then so be it. If something should happen to me from complications of this surgery at least I will not suffer as much as loosing my eye sight, a leg a arm or even my kidney or worse. So you see this is a good thing trying to stay alive. I hope this helps, Warmly, Alice
on 1/1/07 12:57 am - Fort Mill, SC
Hello Kelly, My surgery date in January 16 !! So we will be having our surgeries pretty close. I know all your fears believe me I have them too, and my husband was so totally against me having this surgery but I its not about him or anyone else because they have no clue about having a weight problem. Im doing this for ME because its my life and I want to be around a long long time not to mention being a healthy normal human being. I have a great surgeon so I know things will be ok for me. I want JAN 16 to be my new birthday!!! Im excited to be starting a new and better life for myself and Im sure when everything is said and done and my family and friends see how this WLS has done for me they will all change their minds about what I did for myself ! Good Luck to you on your Journey Kelly YOU WILL DO GREAT!! Denise
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