hello any one javing surgery on jan 22 2007!!!
if you are please lets talk what to know how your feeling about up coming surgery... one min i am happy and can't wait then i am thinking about the pain i am going to be in !!! then i can't wait to get it done so i can play with my kids on the floor and have more fire to move around .. my hips hurt and my legs ..i have a dic problem if i over do it i start to really feel it !!! ok just want to meet some one who its going throw what i am going throw .. hope to hear from you !!!! Roxanne Piligno from new jersey surgery date 1/22/07

HEY, I'M having my surgery January 16!!!! my biggest fear right now is that i won't be able to lose weight before the surgery and the doc will cancel! but i just got on the scale and i lost 7 lbs. so that's good. i quit smoking too last week. i had one in the middle of the week because i had a melt down at work. i can't wait to have more energy too. not everyone has pain after surgery. i know of two people who had no pain at all!!! so have faith. i had a hysterectomy lap and i had no pain!!!!!
hiya, My name is Christine. I have just gotten my approval letter a few days ago... whoo hoooooo! waiting on my surgery date........ i have just quit smoking too... i think that is the hardest part... cant get the surgery unless i have been not smoking for at least 6 weeks..... Do you have any helpful hints on not falling off the band wagon of not smoking.... i desperately need some advice... all i think about is how much healthier im going to be .... yet when im stressed... its what i turn too.... blah.....
hope to hear from ya soon and anyone who has some advice! thanks
I know how you feel, Roxanne. On one hand, I'm very excited about the opportunities I have to look forward to once I lose the weight, but I do have some inhibitions about the pain and about healing.
But we all need to look at this as a positive thing. Don't even concentrate on the pain. Remember, a lot of your experience can be mind over matter! We can do it.

my surgery is scheduled for Jan 31st and I am so excited but also scared..it is a surgery after all. I am having lap band done in Fed Way and I know he is a great surgeon.
But there is always the fear of not waking up....
AND I got to loose 30 pounds! OMG but I am on the road to it..slowly but surely...
My husband had his lap-band on November 6th, I'm set for Jan 26th, all my tests took longer so I had to wait. The first day out of surgery was not fun, mainly due to all the gas they use to expand your abdominal area so they can use their laproscopic instruments. The gas needs to work it's way through your body so there is some pain from that. He was fine to get up that evening to walk around the barriatric floor. The next am your out of bed at 6am and in a recliner for however long you'll be there that day. This applies if your having yours laproscopic, otherwise it's longer in the hospital.
Your still not feeling real great, but the pain is definately manageable. They don't seem to hesitate in giving you something for it so you can move around. They want you walking around to avoid blood clots and it makes your healing easier. When he went home he had pain medication, we had it filled before he even had the surgery, it's still sealed in the medicine cabinet. He never had to use it, trust me, if he needed it he would have! No one goes through surgery without some hesitation, and just plain fear, but if you have confidence in your surgeon, and you know this is the right procedure for you, then you need to trust that all will be well. Keep your goal in mind, I try to look about 6 months from now and know that life will be so much easier.
By the way, my husband has lost 40lbs since 11/06 and is really feeling better than he did before. He is really jazzed about the loss and knows he won't be gaining and losing again. We both had/have at least 3 sizes of clothes in our closet. I'm trying to get rid of all my size 3X clothes before so I don't even have to look at them.
Good luck, this is your time to change your life.
Carolem in Arizona