Just finished my LAST test/consult
I went to the cardiologist today and got the seal of approval, and then went to the vampires to give MORE blood for the Serum H pylori test, and I am offically sitting back with my feet up waiting for my surgery to arrive.
I am so happy to have finished, in the beginning when my DR gave me the list of things I would need to do, it seemed endless. So I am so happy to be DONE.
I am also starting to feel better about the surgery (Remember I was freaking out before). All the people I am sent to for consult all keep telling me how WONDERFUL my Surgeon is and that he is the best possible person to perform this for me. So I am feeling much more comfortable that I will be a healthy loser very soon.
Hi Crystal,
I hope to be in the January 2007 club!! I just finished my final appt with PCP for my 6 month diet/exercise program. I had to attend 7 appts.
I started this process in May of this year and finally finished. I really didnt seem to take too long but I had to do the same things, psychologist, nutritionist, bloodwork and a 6 month diet. I did everything within the first 2 months and then all I had left to do was the monthly appts to weigh in and discuss what I did.
good luck to you and I know you will feel better once you get past January 8.
Congrats!! I have my sleep study on 1/2/07 and hopefully will be scheduled soon after that. Unfortunately, the sleep centers in my area are so busy, I had to wait 7 weeks before my appt.
My 'supposed to be final' Nutrionalist appt. is scheduled for 12/19 which if i was able to have the study in by then I would have my surgery clearance. I have 5 lbs to go to make my 10% so I think I will keep the appt. to document the weight loss. It is strange how each surgeon/nutritioalist handles the pre-op stuff of these surgeries differently!
Best luck to all, hopefully I will be a late January loser myself!!!