January 18th...
I'm excited and sometimes wish I'd gone ahead and scheduled the surgery for December. I'm not afraid any more -- just a wee bit anxious but it'll be here before I know it. Decemer the 18th I have to tell my manager that I'm going out on surgery again (I don't have to say for what) and start the paper work for leave (this is not handled by my manager so she want know). So I'm excited and ever so ready.
Thanks Crystal,
Fortunately, I work for a company that pays you when you're on FMLA -- at least 75% of my salary and we get 17 1/2 weeks instead of the 12 -- but I have to use up 40 hours first. We also have what they call a reserved illness account which we use after our 40 hours have been used up. So I'm hoping that I'll have close to 60 hours prior to the surgery. I'm excited.
My partner and our are excited about increasing our quality of life. We're thinking about auditioning for the Amazing Race after I'm about a year out and we're in good physical condition. My first goal is a Mercedes Benz C class after losing a 100 lbs. -- that's my motivator.