Hi new here
I my name is Michelle. And currently I am scheduled for surgery on the 2nd of Jan. What a way to bring a new year!!! I am so excited. I actually see a bright future. Were as before I just saw unhappiness. I am eager to meet new people and share stories. I guess I can tell you a little bit about myself. I am 25 years old. I am married with 2 kids. Ages 5 and 20 months. I sadly have been overweight now for going on 6 years. My hubby is in the military, and were are stationed in Louisiana. Well I guess that is all for now. I can't wait to make new friends!
Hi there, welcome to the January Board. It's a little slow right now just folks dropping in and letting us know they got their date. I would love to be your friend. I too have a five year old little boy. His name is Logan. What are your kids names? I do not have my exact date but a tentative one of Jan 1. That's most likely not going to be it. My surgeon does surgeries on Wednesdays so that would be Jan 3. We'll see I am still holding out for a December date
. I just have my sleep study next Sunday. Depending on if I have sleep apnea or not I will get a date if I don't have it. I have had all my tests other then that. I also had to lose 10lbs I have lost 9, 14 from the time that I started this process. I am so excited and ready to become a loser. Hehe...I love saying that now.

Hi Anna,
I know, I love saying I am a loser (kinda weird I know). I hope you can get your date soon. That would be awesome. Yeah, I was pretty lucky that I got my date as early as I did. Oh, and my childrens name are Henry and Helayna. Well, I to would like to be friends. Hope to talk to you more in the future.
I am so glad you are here with us. I added you to my friends and I hope to chat with you often.
I have a 3 and a half year old little girl and she is the world to me. She and he Daddy are like oil and water (he is strict) so I need to do this to make sure I am around for a long time. Someone has to referee.
Happy to have you aboard.