Hey! DON'T give up on yourself! You can turn this around by making yourself a priority. Don't know anything about being a trucker or your personal story but make one small adjustment at a time (note I didn't say 'try' to make one small adjustment at a time because 'trying' isn't an option ~ you're worth the commitment to yoursefl).
I recently did the 5 Day Pouch Test http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ to get myself back on track. Also, using a fabulous website called My Fitness Pal http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ . It's a site intended to help people with their diets, journaling but I really like it because it helps me track proteins, sugars and carbs.
Wishing you the BEST!
I recently did the 5 Day Pouch Test http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ to get myself back on track. Also, using a fabulous website called My Fitness Pal http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ . It's a site intended to help people with their diets, journaling but I really like it because it helps me track proteins, sugars and carbs.
Wishing you the BEST!
“Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day;
you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
Ralph Waldo Emerson