Dear Jersey:
You know you can count with me. I received your letter but I have had a crazy time these past few weeks. I have the strongest will to be present here and offer support as much as I can. Thank you for this effort. All of you are really important to me. Much more than you can imagine.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year full of achievements and pounds off of you.
You my dear friend are beautiful. I don't care what you think of yourself at this side of my eyes you look gorgeous.
You know you can count with me. I received your letter but I have had a crazy time these past few weeks. I have the strongest will to be present here and offer support as much as I can. Thank you for this effort. All of you are really important to me. Much more than you can imagine.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year full of achievements and pounds off of you.
You my dear friend are beautiful. I don't care what you think of yourself at this side of my eyes you look gorgeous.