Accountability Thursday!
Ok, nobody shared yesterday. I guess after a while, yall get sick of this post or just don't wanna share. Well, I'm posting today becasue I've had a HORRIBLE eating day! I'll be on the lake tomorrow with my family so I probably wont be back til Monday! I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and a fun weekend.
Ok, here's me being accountable..
Breakfast: Nothing.. i slept through it.
Snack: Way too many RF cheese itz. I couldnt' stay out the box.
Lunch: I felt so gulity for eating all the cheese nips that i ate more and didnt eat lunch.
Snack: 1 peice of birthday cake
Snack: handful of M&M's
Dinner: Baked hot wings and salad
Snack: I don't need anything but I did bring yogart and SF jello to snack on if I want something.
Shame on me
I told myself that I was gonna do good all week so I can enjoy the holiday tomorrow but I blew it!
I hope everyone else had a better eating day than me!