Regain Question
I know I am pregnant ... and that I already had one baby. With that being said, I had gained a little weight, AFTER I had lost some of my baby weight from Faith.
At my lowest (during the first trimester with Faith) I weighed 189 for about a week. I was at 212 when I got pregnant this time. So my gain was 23 pounds before getting pregnant this time.
I know a lot of us have regained and wonder what the average is?
My highest was 315, lowest 189. For a total loss of 126 pounds. My gain was 23 pounds which is about a 19% gain.
If you have gained from your lowest, what percent of weight loss did you gain back?
I am freaking out a bit ... it I gain 23 pounds when all is said and done again, that will be 46 pounds of gain. Holy freaking crap. That will put me at 235 - a place I really do not want to be.
The other thing that is freaking me out is that my stomach is huge, for real, I look about 5-6 months pregnant. All of a sudden it popped and nothing fit. I had to go shopping at Lane Bryant to get some decent shorts. Thankfully, they had a great stretchy cotton/spandex fabric with a soft waistband. I bought one size up and should be able to wear untl I deliver.
Now, before anyone lectures me. I am not dieting nor am I limiting calories or any of that. I am eating (as healthy as possible) and will continue to through birth.
God Bless!
Glad to hear you are doing well other than the regain concerns. Nobody is allowed to lecture a pregnant woman except her doctor!!
My highest was 280, my lowest 182 so 98 pound loss. I am now at 194 so I have gained 12 lbs since my lowest so 11% regain. My increase is from too much wine with dinner and not enough exercise but I am working to change the pattern.....going with friends to the gym, not out to eat. I am too close to the 200lb point for any comfort, I never want to see a weight over 200 ever again.