Night from Hell.....
Last night was so painful I almost went to the hospital but knew what was happening. My abdomen felt like it was going to explode. When I had the hernia/skin removal, my surgeon put mesh around my entire abdominal cavity so there's no where for gas to go. The belly button felt like it was going to shoot across the room.
Here's what happened.....
A deli I like had that South Beach cauliflower dish, the one that is cooked and then pureed. I thought - YUM and ate a cupful in the late afternoon. For dinner I ate eggplant with tofu from the chinese place. Soft foods, nothing excessive in quantity. I waited an hour to drink anything, too.
Turned in about 10pm and a half hour later I woke up doubled over in pain. Finally I got dressed and went walking around the neighborhood, 2x, which helped a bit. Once I got home again, it intensified so I did the only other thing I could think of, fingers on the back of my throat. I puked and was instantly better. :puke:
Then it started again around 3am, this time with dirreah. Throughout all this I was eating Tums like crazy which helped. I fell asleep propped in a sitting like position. This morning, more dirreah. I ate a few bites of cottage cheese and that's working fine. The swelling has just about disappeared. I am getting ready to take another walk.....
I guess I ate too many veggies at a time, especially the cauliflower - this was the first time I'd eaten it since surgery. I do regularly eat beans and have no problem with them. My throat hurts from puking which I know is not good to do - and something I only resorted in in an emergency. It was an experience a bit worse than the time I ate some white rice followed by water......
I dont really ever have complications but this came out of nowhere and was mighty. Today I am sticking to protein drinks and soup.
Hope your weekends are enjoyable!!
Geeze Tif,
Sounds like you may have caught a bug or had a bit of food poisoning. The vomiting and diarrea is the clue.
You can get lots of gas from veges but not to the extent you discribed. If it doesn't clear up today please call the doctor.
Feel better.
Sending hugs {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tiffany}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Hi Ronna,
So good to see your smile....thanks for your note. I did not think of food poisoning. A friend of mine wont eat at that restaurant as she says she got something there once. I've thrown away everything. Today I am still a little quesy but better, just finished a protein shake. The memory of last night still lingers and that makes me a bit spooked.
Appreciate your insight and love, as always.

Ronna was spot on, the food must have been bad. I am bummed as I liked that place and I liked eggplant but wont go for either again. Although I may try eggplant again at a PF Changs or something like that. My system is still not right and my dr has me using Immodium and maxing out on the water so I dont get dehydrated. She said my small tummy was probably a blessing as I ate just a little, someone with a normal stomach would have eaten more and been much worse off.
Thanks for your well wishes....