My new life
I'm going to imitate Jen Jen and I will say that I am happy that Rona is o.k. that Tori is living wondefully after her surgery. That Kay is looking for her PS, that Jen is ok and taking care of her children, that I am proud of Tiff taking care of herself and having life grabbed by its horns, that Anna is great, that Kristi is fine, etc, etc.
Well let me try to make a quick update of my life.
I started up with my new job last tuesday. I went to Jilotepec and was introduced to all the people at the plant I am going to manage. I was well received and felt welcome by the people. It was a very busy week and did a lot of stuff. I was introduced to the major of the town and his staff. I started to learned about the process I am going to manage there. It was a tiring, interesting, productive week. I will take Male and my kids to Jilotepec in few weeks to look for schools and a house to live in. They are very happy about the chance to move to a smaller location. Mary my daughter is feeling down to say good bye to her friends here, but she understands that it has to be done in order to get a better life for the family. Right now I am at home getting ready to leave to Jilotepec tomorrow. I will come back next friday and will spend the weekend here.
Oh my God!!! I am sooooo excited about this opprotuniy to go back to stability for my family!!! My life started to go in the right way the day I got my surgery!!!!
I am right at my weight right now... I gained a couple of pounds during the hollydays but I got them off of me in few days. I am feeling soooooo thankfull for having such a good company here with all of you!!! you have represented a huge deal of comfort, comprehention, and support through the process I have lived since the surgery. I have gone through a lot of stuff in the past few years. Right now it's feeling like I am starting a new life. I feel prepared and ready to enjoy my new life with my family...
Thanks to all of you for all that represents this forum for me (tears here
). I am going to be in touch from Jilotepec.
Thanks Hazel for you e-mail... you are such a wonderful friend!!!!
Kristi: I am so happy that you had a wonderful trip to Mexico. I hope we will have the chance to meet next time you come here. You are such a friend too!!!
To all of my dearest people here: you are amazing!!! you have all my admiration and deep respect. This process we have gone through have had such an impact in our life!!! it's not easy to describe by words!!! you have to live it!!!
I love you all!!!
p.s. I can't live without saying that I am deeply missing some of you: Jersey Mom, DawnG, KristiD, Chris, Jayci, Dave, etc, etc.
Hi Rhonda!!!
Thanks for your good vibes!!! it has been so beautiful to me and my family!!!
We have very high expectations about our lives now that every thing is out of anguish!!!
Our problems are still the same... we still need time to heal the injuries and to start up to float afte so long time without a fix income. But the anguish has gone and the life looks so wonderful now!!!