Hi there everyone...
Hi there,
Just stopping by to say hello. I havent been here for quite a long time I know, I have been dealing with more than I have wanted to lately with my Godson who has been living with us for the past 8 months. I think that I am more mentally drained than I have ever been in my life. But that is hopefully coming to an end soon. Otherwise I have been doing my best to stay on track and take care of my immediate families needs. Working a lot and trying to get things in order to go to school in the summer to get further in my studies. Boy I cant wait til I can get through nursing school and take my boards. LIfe I think will be easier for us here. I am hopefully going back to Mexico this summer, but things havent been finalized yet, so we will see. Anyways enough of my babble....I stop by all the time but dont post much, but I am proud of all your successes!! Take care everyone, I miss you all.
Good to see you Steph. I really do know what you mean by being drained. But life is getting better. I may be going to Mexico at Christmas with my daughter and her family. Frostie is out on her own again. It has been a month. Only time will tell if it is going to work. Take care of yourself and family and keep up the good work.