Happy Prez Day! Whatcha eatin?!
Hi all. Hope everyone had a great weekend and a beautiful day today. It was sooo nice outside! I'll be headed back to NYC tonight so we'll see what the weather is like there.
For some reason, I haven't been able to eat as much food as I was before. And fats and sugars are getting to be a bit more sensitive to me than before. I ain't complaining!!! But I think it's kinda weird that all of a sudden I'm back to where I was my first year post WLS. It's a good thing, but I'm also worried because I'm trying to lose a few lbs. and I need the cals since I'm working out more. I guess I'll just have to see where this all takes me.... Here's my menu today:
Small McD's fries
1 biscuit, some salad, about 5 fried shrimp and 5 shrimp scampi from Red Lobster
That's all I've had today (so far anyhoo) because I woke up late and I just haven't been that hungry these past few days
. Come share!!!

Hiya April
I wish I was back where I was at 1 year out and getting full really fast and not having an apitite. Oh well, I'm working with what I got!
On to food..
Breakfast: 2 ham and cheese roll up's dipped in spicy mustard
Snack: Handful of RF cheeseitz
Snack: Few cheese cubes
Lunch: Big baked chicken thigh
Snack: Protein smoothie from planet smoothie
Dinner: Baked chicken thigh, mustard greens
Snack: Lite yogart

As I sit here, feeling as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey, I will tell you what I have achieved to scarf down today.....Please bear with me, this has NOT been a healthy day. I am posting in the utmost embarrasment.
B-Coffee, 1 small brownie, one 100 cal pack of girl scout cookies.
L-Coffee, 1 small brownie, one girl scout cookie
S- A 4 pack peanut butter cracker pack
D- Applebee's - About 3oz grilled steak, about 1/2 baked potato, a few bites of steamed vegies and a boneless buffalo wing. ( I shared an adult dinner with my 9 yr old son and we did not eat it all)
and just now, I managed to devour 2 girl scout lemonade cookies and a hand full of m&m's....
Now I will log off of the computer, and hang my head low. I feel like such a complete failure!!!!! The stress in my life is high, and my carb addition is back with a vengeance!
Hope everyone else had a healthy day......