I want your oppinion
Out here in the middle of Nebraska, it seems like when someone starts a catering business, they have to have their name in it somewhere. I am working on starting a catering business and I don't want my name on it. That doesn't sound like class. But I came up with one that I like, what do you think? MOMENTS OF YOUR LIFE CATERING.
Give me your opinion. If you think of something else, let me know.

Alex, catering is when someone is haveing a big event, wedding, birthday, baptism, you know, a BIG party. They hire someone to fix and serve the food and decorate and all that kind of thing. That is catering. I would be doing the cooking and serving and decorating. I have done baptisms, and first communions and wedding receptions and birthdays and anniversarys. But those were all family. Now I want of do it for other people.