Munchin Monday!
Hiya Ladies. It's early but I'm here doing nothing so I thought I'd post for ya, April. I hope you dont mind!? I have a cold that feels like it's turning into the flu so I feel like crap but other than that, my day is ok. I hope everyone is having a good day.
Breakfast: 1 egg scrambled with ham and cheese
Snack: Carb/Sugar control yogart and 1 slice of cheese
Lunch: Carb/sugar control yogart and slim fast protein bar
Snack: 100 calorie pack of cheeseitz
Dinner: Healthy choice frozen dinner.. pasta, chicken and broccoli
Snack: Protein shake
I also had 2-8 oz cups of chocolate calorie countdown milk.
Vitmains: not one
Water: again..
Have a great day