Tummy tuck pix, gross & graphic, beware!!!
Okay so here we go. First picture will be before. (this is super disgusting, so you were warned!)
The incision has healed pretty well for 2 weeks so far but having problems with the belly button a little bit so that's still red and icky right now. This pic I just kind of put on there so people can see the scar a little bit? That they aren't always even on each side! I also still have stretch marks because I had them really bad on top and under breasts. Some of the line on my tummy though are just from the binder and sleeping all night. I took these as soon as I got up and before my shower.
Bikini bottom
Just some pix from this past weekend. You still have to wear that girrdle and binder so that's stuck under your clothes. Blech! (oh and FYI, those are those 'fake' boobs I have on in this picture, lol. I'm trying to decide what size implants I want. My b/f thinks it was too big, I loved it like that! Does it look too big for my body now? I don't want to look like a freak!)
Hugs and stuff!!!
I forgot to add this, I'm not sure if I've said it yet or not... but I am so so so so happy. I don't regret having this surgery or resent one single penny spent on it. I truely feel I am happier now than I have been for years and years. I don't think it all has to do with this surgery of course, but it does change something, some how. I think Tif said it best when she said it's like finally getting rid of the last of the 'fat' girl and all that baggage it carries. I don't know, but I just feel amazing. I have a ways to go yet, 2 more surgeries, touch up the tummy tuck ,and I promised myself I'd work out extra hard with weights to see what I can really do. Wow, I can (almost) say I love my body again. Well in a way I really do. I've put it through so much and so many surgeries in the last 2 years... I had a really great experience with this surgery as far as pain and healing so far. I am a super, lucky girl!

Awesome Renee you should have seen my tummy before I had really bad muscle damage and it stuck out really far, my ps has me on his website as a before and after and it is amazing the difference. I agree its worth every penny when people ask I just say I could be driving a really nice car right now but I would rather have this.....