Hi Y'all
Just a quick hello ... wanted to share baby Faith's 6 month pictures with you all. She is 6 months old, weighs 16 lbs 15 oz, is 29 inches long, has one tooth and is working on another. SHe got shots yesterday and with the teething, my generally happy child is rather clingy and unhappy. I guess I would be miserable if I was teething and got a bunch of shots. Anyway .... She has started solid foods; rice & oatmeal along with peas, green beans and sweet potatoes. So far she likes them all. She has s healthy appetite, quite the opposite of Grace. It would take Grace 4 feedings to eat a jar of baby food, Faith can eat it in one.
Here is the link with her pictures.
customer name JENNIFER JOHNSON
code LTPP0048101838JCP
If you click view on the first picture, it enlarges it and then you can use the arrow on the right of the screen to look at the other pics larger ... if you are interested.
The pink dress and hair bow is a hand me down from Grace. I have Gracie's picture in the same outfit also.
I have not been around much, things are busy and I just do not feel like myself ... I am in a real funk.
I am having outpatient surgery on Thursday.
In two weeks I am going to a seminar to hear about redoing the stoma opening to make it smaller. I am anxious to hear about it.
Love y'all and God Bless!
What an awesome little flower, she is so adorable...........
Hope you get out of your funk soon ...I know it's hard for about a year after having a baby and you have been through so much in the last couple of years........
My Dr does the stomphomax (sp) I guess they don't even have to open you up ? Is that right ?
You have such a beautiful baby ( really, really, really want my own now! lol I wanted one,two, three, or four before, but her pics make me want one even more
If you need anything, anything at all give me a call (936-223-2497)
I am not working right now, and have WAY TO MUCH time on my hands so call me anytime!