Jan 2008 update
Seems like everyone is doing an update as we approach our two year anniversary. Mine is next Saturday the 19th. As I sit here and look backIi am amazed at where I have ended up after those two years. I never would have dreamed that my life would have taken the path it has. I have lost the weight, and reached goal and then gone back up 30 pounds and am back down 15 pounds. I am striving for another five, (goal was to low) but it is one of those up and down that are normal for "normal" folks. Can you believe it, I can recognize myself as "normal" if there really is such a thing. But more amazing to me than the weight loss journey, is the journey of personal tragedy and growth. I have been a grandma Mom for the last year and a half. I have been told a dozen times not to count on my daughter living, walking and being able to live on her own. I have had my daughter die in my arms and bring her back. I have cried and screamed and cussed and everyother thing you can imagine. I have experienced extreme anger and stress and fear and pain and agony. I have lost my business and my finances are a total mess. But if things go according to plan, a week from today, my husband I will be a couple again and my daughter will be back in her own home careing for her own children. She can walk, a little, with a prothesis, and get around in a wheel chair when walking is too much. She is alive and well and has the potential to stay that way if she will just take care of herself. I have found myself to be a strong, viable person with self-confidence and abilities beyond my wildest dreams. I have found the person I buried under that 100+ pounds of fat. And i like her. But what is more surpriseing is so do other people.

You are such an inspiration to me. Gosh, I ***** and moan about the simplest of things while you, who have had devastating tragedy in your life, live your life with grace. I am so sorry for all that you have been through. But I am so happy that you have come through it all! I wish the very best for you in 2008 and beyond! We should all be taking some life lessons from you, sister. You are amazing woman and I am proud to know you!
All my love,
Jersey Mom