Thank you Jen! And quick update.......
First I wanted to thank Jen Jen for the really nice gifts I recieved yesterday for myself and Hanna. The necklace is beautiful and Hanna will love the jewelry kit too, she is with her dad, so I will give it to her when she comes home. Thank you again for all the wonderful things you sent this year!
Jersey, thank you as well for sending a card even though I am not on the exchange this year, it was very sweet and nice to know you are thinking of me.
I thought once classes were over I would have more time to pop in but things have been so hectic with the holidays and Chris's 30th is Dec 24 so we are having a big party here at the house this saturday. I have been busting my butt cleaning, repairing, painting and baking to get ready for it, and I just got my first sub call today since I am on break for the next month! Busy, busy, seems I never get much of a break, but sometimes I like it that way. Anyhow, I recieved 4 A's and 2 B+ this semester giving me a GPA of 3.75.
I also recently had blood work done and saw my nutritionist because I had some concerns, my weight continues to drop and my body is achey a lot and I have no energy a lot of the time. Turns out my vitamin D and iron are deficient so I am on meds for that now, and she wants to see me in 3 months if my weight doesn't stabilize. My bones ache and she wants me to have a bone scan, so i will be finding time to do that as well. I dropped a hammer on my toe the other day and swear I broke it, but what do you do for that? Anyhow, I have to go get ready to work, but I wanted to try to fill you all in a little and hopefully after the chaos of the holidays calms down I will be on more.
Love you guys!