I Got The Call
They offered me the job!!!!!!!!! Sending offer letter and related material via email this afternoon. If everything is OK, looks like I will start after the 1st!
Thanks everyone for putting up with my very long pitty party. I can't tell you how much I have appreciated your encouragement and support all these long months.
Love and hugs to all of you,
Alejandro, you are NEXT!!!!
Thanks for all the well wishes. Had to do a bit of negotiating and went back and forth a bit, but.....we finalized things this morning and as of January 2, I am employed!!!!!
And now Jersey you can count on me for a summer get together. One of the things I negotiated was an extra week of vacation. So now, even thougn I'll be in Houston in April, I should still be able to take a couple of days in the summer
Can't wait to give hugs in person