Okay so I haven't been on this site in forever and ever and ever. I read through maybe the first 2 pages of posts and see I am totally not alone (what a shocker, it's all about me right? haha) I totally gained weight and it totally sucks. I'm just feeling sorry for myself and had to check in on everyone and see how/IF they were even dealing with the same thing. I need to lose about 20 lbs again. How is everyone dealing with this?? I am so busy and stressed with school (this is when the weight gain started for me). I don't go to the Y like I did, okay I don't go AT ALL right now and back to the emotional "I'm stressed, so eat" pattern. It's terrible. It almost really makes me want to quit school which would be absolutely stupid. I know I just have to learn how to deal with both and do it now because that's life, but I'm just not sure how to fit everything in (job, kids, school that's for nursing so you you spend every freakin waking moment studying or at clinicals). I'm not even trying to get down to my lowest weight because I honestly got *****ed at the whole time saying I looked sick. I'm postiive almost everyone on this board has heard that one. Anyway, so are people going back to that nasty liquid diet crap or what????
Thanks guys! Hugs!
Here Renee I searched for you and found this. Let me know if you are going to do this and when and perhaps I will do it with you!
Hugs, Chris
Awesome Chris! thanks so much!!! I was going to say let's do this next Monday, but I forgot it's the holiday. Sure fire way for failure. How about starting on Monday, Nov. 26th? Or maybe this Sat would be the best. That leaves Thanksgiving as the first day off the 5 day diet and the pouch should be super tiny so you can't eat too much Thanksgiving day. Let me know if it works for you if you really still want to do it!!!
Woo Hoo!! Sat it is. I better go get some of that protien crap again. I haven't touched that since 4 mos after my surgery? maybe 6? I probably will lose some weight those 5 days from puking that crap up! I never could keep it down. I think it's the lactose though in the ones I used. I see slim fast has a lactose free shake thing but not sure on the protein or carbs or if it will work or not. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for doing this with me. It would be really difficult to do alone!