Feeling Wonderful!!!
Bravo to you Godson
You've cetainly found the answer. We choose to be positive or negative. We have a chance everyday to make that decision.
How much better to look on the brightside and see the miricle that is us
We've all come such along way. Yes there is still a long road to travel....but we will get there. One day at a time.
Sending love and hugs,

Alejandro, what an uplifting message! I saw that there was some kind of issue going for you with another member. Since I'm only back on the boards recently, I don't know what happened, but I can't imagine someone having a problem with you. You have always been one of the most kind, upbeat, encouraging people here. I'm glad you're having a wonderful start to your day and I know I will, too, just because of your message!
Lisa S.
At the end of the day... I wish you had a wonderful day too Lisa...
Tomorrow will be another chalenge to face...
It's up to us if the challenge is an adventure or a nightmare...
Thank you for your support about that strange message I received. So far I am confused
about the objective they were looking for... it was stupid, and they are a bunch of loosers... lol
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico