Feeling Wonderful!!!
Hey Girl!
Maybe it is something in the air? I dunno...but the feeling totally bites. And, yeah, yesterday was worse for me, too. But my Gap trip did not help today (waah!). I need to absolutely start some form of exercise routine. AND I have not taken my iron in over a week because I am waiting for the Rx. That might be effecting me, too. Oh well...tomorrow will be better!
I am glad you are feeling better today...and I hope you feel wonderful tomorrow!
Love and hugs,
We all have those days ........I am down on my face these days when I was heavy people always said you have such a pretty face, oh you look so young...... yada yada yada well yes I did because every line in my face was full of fat and very smooth and full.....The other night at the table my 5 year old said I had crumples (wrinkles) on my forhead and a turkey neckI was like oh really the rest of my family was mortified and not sure weather to laugh or pretend they didn't hear her..well I started to laugh and so did they....I guess my point is don't be down on yourself we all have those crummy days and we can just do what we are doing the best we can and move on to the next.
Keep up on your vitamins, when I was very low on my Iron after my last surgery I was very down and even had days where I almost passed out.
Thank you Alex for that uplifting message....I have really been struggling to find peace lately, everything stresses me, depresses me, or takes away from what should be a very happy time in my life. I really need to try harder to be positive and stop worrying about the things I can't control...it is so hard some days! Thanks for making me see things in a different light.

Dear Karyn:
Life is tough enough by itself to make it tougher...
We have to look for ways to make it lighter.
I hope you will find the inner strength to overcome the monsters that are atacking your mind and soul... I have found that in a lot of times that I am feeling depressed the things that were overwhelming me were magnified.
When you find ways to relax, your body, mind and soul... the days begin to be shinyer and our monsters seem to be smaller and easyer to overcome...
Every thing starts with a smile... smile with all your hard and you will feel better... smile all day... smile with all your soul...
Best Regards
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Alex you are always soooooooooo postive and I appreciate that! I am also a positive person and my husband is a negative person..lol I guess opposites do attract. I wake up every morning with a smile and thankful for what I have my health my family a roof over my head and food in my fridge.
I would like to thanks your appreciation of me... You see??? it is really hard some times to stay postive in light of the heavy baggage we have to carry on day by day...
Some times in the past few months I let the problems overcome me... and that's when I felt living in a hole. Trapped and feeling that there were no ways out...
Not again!!! My decision is to take the best of every situation. Every single time I fall down , I get up stronger and wiser...
Good vibes are on their way from me to you positive girl!!!!
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico