Feeling Wonderful!!!
You know??? I am waking up every working day at 5:30 a.m. which under my standards is very early in the morning.
Today meanwhile I was preparing breakfast for Male and the kids. I was thinking... mmmmhh... I feel very good!!! I still have deep problems but my body feels rested and ready for the action...
I have allways thought that we are building our way of living the life through the decitions we are taking constantly. We can decide to be overwhelmed or we can decide to take the things as they come and atack them with all our might.
I can remember clearly those days not too far ago when waking up was a daily torment. I had to go out of the bed feeling miserable due to the apnea. My head ached constantly my body screammed with pain... One of the best desitions I have taken in many many years was to grab my obesity problem by its horns and put a stop to it.
I still have serious problems in life as I am sure you're dealing with the same situation. But I am certain we are all facing them with a complete different attitude thanks to a much better healthier life. I know that we are constantly battling against compultions, anxiety, some times we feel depressed, but that's the game!!! we have to succeed over all of that!!!
Today when I woke up I decided to have a wonderful day... Yes! I have to fight my battle yet... but... you know??? I have already won!!! because nothing will affect me today negatively!!!
All this speech said... I only would like to wish all of you wonderful brothers and sisters from this forum a beautiful day... I hope your problems will become lighter... I hope that your children will start to heal, that jobs are going to come, that food desitions will be taken wisely, that working out will be joyfull etc...
Big hugs and a lot of love to all of you...
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Hey Alex:
Thanks so much for your inspiring message. I really needed that today because I am extremely blah these past couple days. I don't know why, but I am feeling VERY ugly...very fat...very old looking. I have actually never felt like this before and have no idea where it is coming from. But I will try to focus on some positives.
Have a blessed day!
Jersey Mom
Dear JM...
Cold and objective facts:
1.- You are not ugly... I have seen your pictures several times and I really find it joyfull to see such a beautiful woman as you are...
2.- You are not fat... We WERE fat two years ago!!!
3.- You are not old (every thing is in your mind!!!)... let me assure you that I am older than you are and I really feel much better now and think that I am looking nicer now than 10 years ago. And if I have managed to feel this way, you who are really pretty are able to change your feelings too.
I know that you have a huge baggage over your shoulders right now. That contributes a lot with your feelings. How is your vitamins B doing? if you are not taking them you are contributing to feel more depressed due to a lack of complex B in your body.
Attitude is very important... I know sometimes the hill looks really high and we feel reeeeaaally tired. We love you JM... I hope you will find comfort here when ever is needed...
Today I am facing challenges that were almost in position to overwhelmed me. But they will not going to win the battle. I will go and win this battle. You can do it too!!! of course it's not easy... but you have a lot of people to push you up if needed... your family is there and we are here...
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Thanks so much for your kind words, Alex (do you mind me calling you Alex?)...
I don't know what has gotten into me these past two days. I normally like what I see when I look in the mirror but lately...I just don't. I truly see someone whose face is old and tired-looking. My skin is very dry (I am trying to drink more water to see if that helps) and I just feel like I LOOK like I weigh 300 lbs. I am very surprised by these feelings. I hope they go away soon but having friends like you helps a GREAT deal...so, for that, I am thankful!
Love and hugs,
Jersey Mom
Hey You!
Snap out of it! Isn't that the line from Moonlighting?
You have had such a rough couple of weeks and you're probably dead tired. You need som "me" time. Try and get your self a few hours and get a pedicure or better yet a massage.
You need to take care or Robin and be good to Robin.
You are a young, beauftiful woman and are very far from fat.
Don't let your brain play those games.
Remember if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.
Love you lots,

Hey, My Friend...
I know...I SO NEED TO snap out of it! I seriously don't know where this came from. But, let me tell you, it was only made WORSE by my trip to the Gap during lunch. I had a return and was not going to buy anything but saw these really cool distressed jeans. So, I grabbed my usual 10L and headed to the dressing room. I COULD NOT BUTTON THEM. WTF?! So that did WONDERS for my "I am totally fat again" mentality. Granted, I tried on a pair of black khaki's in a 10L and they fit fine but...what was with those jeans?
Thank you so much for being there for me, Ronna. You have no idea what your friendship means to me. I just need to kick myself in the butt and shake this nasty mood!
Love and hugs,
OK give yourself one hard butt-kick!
One thing I've learned how to do is NOT to look at the size. For me it's the fit, the feel and how it looks that matters.
Heck I'm spanning so many sizes 12-20 depending on what the garment is (I'm always at least 2 sizes smaller on the bottoms cause I have no hips or butt
) and who made it.
So sometimes I still go into the Plus size for tops but need to go to misses for bottoms. I know if I'm buying something by Bob Mackie I can always go down a size but if it's Jones New York I have to go up. So it's not me......it's them
But I don't care - cause I look GREAT
And I feel great. Wish I could magically pass this on to you too my dear friend.

Hey Jersey........funny you should mention that. I have been feeling the same way lately. Fat, ugly and old. I had a horrible day yesterday with it. This morning I told myself to snap out of it and focus and getting out of the house. I do feel better today, but I have those moments often. Hope your doing well......