Tuesday roll call...
Hey Alex...
That instrument is a Hawaiian Ukulele.
Similar to the Charango (That's the instrument that traditionally is made from an armadillo shell, right?)... The Ukulele is in the same range, but has less strings, tuned a bit differently and uses nylon strings instead of steel
I'm a big fan of "conjunto" music, so I'm up on all those cool Mexican instruments!
Be Well,
Good morning:
1) what is your favorite restrauant and is it weight loss friendly? I don't have much luck when we go out, seems like the rich food makes me ill. I do pick up fast food on the way home lot's such as wendys, taco bell, barbque and just eat the meat.
2) how soon do you decorate for the holidays? My fall decorations will hang over until the weekend after thanksgiving and then we will switch to christmas, I love vintage christmas ornaments for the 40s, 50s and 60s ............I collect them year round
3} do you make any crafts? I do, I make all of my cards and various other crafts throughout the year
4} any hobbies? #2 & #3 and antique shopping..........
5} what is your favorite day of the week and do you do anything special on that day? I love the weekend and I hang out with my family
Hey Chris
I'll play today too. Here are my answers:
1) what is your favorite restaurant and is it weight loss friendly? My favorite restaurant is anything Mexican and they are not usually weight loss friendly. But I rarely get to go as my family are not fans of spicy food
2) how soon do you decorate for the holidays? We will probably do it this weekend. Chanukah is very early this year....starts December 5.
3} do you make any crafts? No I have no talent in this area at all.
4} any hobbies? Movies, live theater, music, traveling
I also have a collection of decorative boxes - over 150. I usually get one or two whenever I'm in a new place. Also get a lot as gifts so the collection has really grown over the last 30 years.
5} what is your favorite day of the week and do you do anything special on that day? Sunday - it's dinner and a movie day

No problem Alex,
Chanukah is a Jewish holiday. In fact we call it the festival of lights.
We celebrate a victory in battle. The story goes that after the victory they went to the temple to pray and thank god. They found only a small amount of oil to light the lamp - enough for one day but by some "miracle" it lasted for 8 days.
So we celebrate Chanukah each year for eight days. A festival of light and freedom. It is customary to give a small gift to the children on each night when we light one candle. By the end of the 8 days there are 8 candles light on the candelabra that we call a menorah.
It always falls around Christmastime. It is a happy holiday and was always one of my favorites.
Hi Chris!
1) what is your favorite restrauant and is it weight loss friendly?
** Andria's it's a steak place here**
Probably not weightloss friendly..lol
2) how soon do you decorate for the holidays?
** I don't decorate unless I have family coming here**
3} do you make any crafts? ** No..not a crafty person..but I love to buy them!**
4} any hobbies?
5} what is your favorite day of the week and do you do anything special on that day?
**I don't really have a favorite day...but weekends like to lay around in my p.j.s and just relax**
Hey Chris and everyone
1) what is your favorite restrauant and is it weight loss friendly?
*Applebees.. It does have some weight loss friendly things on the menu.
2) how soon do you decorate for the holidays?
* About a week after Thanksgiving.
3} do you make any crafts?
*No, only scrapbooking
4} any hobbies?
*Scrapbooking, fishing, swimming and bowling.
5} what is your favorite day of the week and do you do anything special on that day?
*Saturday is my favorite day because it's me and my daughters day! We spend all day together doing whatever. With this crazy 3 to 11:30 schedule, I don't get to spend much time with her durning the week.
Great questions!!

Hey there! I am late today. I took back a child I used to babysit so I have a 14 month old added into the mix during the day - keeping me hopping!
1) what is your favorite restrauant and is it weight loss friendly?
I do not have one favorite, it depends on what I am in the mood for. Note: I thnk any restaurant can be WLS friendly, it is about the choices made at the meal
2) how soon do you decorate for the holidays?
Usually after Thanksgiving.
3} do you make any crafts?
In my MOPS group, every other meeting is a craft meeting. We just made recipe boxes. I do not craft outside of that ~ don't have time.
4} any hobbies?
I like to sew and in the past two weeks I have taken in 3-4 pair of Gracie's pants at the waist and sewed a button on my hubby's pants - this is not a hobby more of a necessity. I like to cook too. I like to do once a month style cooking or bulk cooking. I never make only one meal. I always make at least 2 so we can eat one and freeze the others for later
5} what is your favorite day of the week and do you do anything special on that day?
Saturday ~ hubby is home and we do not have to be any where ~ we can just hang out and spend time as a family.