Monday Roll Call!!!
Morning Alex!... Interesting Questions lol.
What have been your biggest WOW moment?
* People I see biweekly not recognizing me.
What is your day by day WoW moment?
* Mistaking my pants for my mothers
What is your most intimate WOW moment?
* Feeling Desirable
What was your last goal achieved?
* My tummy tuck
What is your next goal to achieve?
* Being under 200!!!!!

Hey Jaci!!!
How are you my dear friend???
Feeling desirable is one of the feelings that were unknown for a lot of us. It is like visiting new and exciting lands, exploring new sensations, feeling new emotions.
My compliments to you beautiful lady!!! you have gone too far. The goal is there for you to hit it!!!
Best regards
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Good afternoon everyone.....
What have been your biggest WOW moment?
***Being able to share clothes with my daughters..
What is your day by day WoW moment?
***Having energy to do things like walking 2 miles!
What is your most intimate WOW moment?
***Laying in bed and discovering I have hip bones (or any bones for that matter)
What was your last goal achieved?
***Getting down to 134 lbs
What is your next goal to achieve?
***Getting to 139 lbs
Hugs, Chris

Hey Chris!!!
Discovering our new body is another adventure that is really awesome!!! it is amazing the amount of things we discover every day we are able to do with our new bodies... the amount of bones, skin, shapes, that are coming evident almost day by day... LOL
My best wishes for you to hit the 139 ASAP...
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Morning Alex,
I'll play today:
What have been your biggest WOW moment? When an ex-coworker didn't recognize me. He walked right up to my sister and started talking to her. I socked him in the shoulder and said, "Don't say hi to me?" And his eyes opened wide and he jumped back and yelled my name and gave me a big hug. Then he admitted that he didn't recognize me and that I looked wonderful.
What is your day by day WoW moment? Being able to take a shower standing up. Before weight loss surgery I had to sit and it took me forever. Besides that I was totally exhausted afterwords. How great it feels just to be able to to normal things again.
What is your most intimate WOW moment? I can wear a pretty bra without a ban extender:
What was your last goal achieved? Sounds silly but it was to be able to go to the mall shoping for the day and not have to use my cane. But I do it now and often.
What is your next goal to achieve? Get a job
Hey Ronna!!!
Congratulations for you achieves!!!
To do normal things is all for us... to live in a world of "normal" people where we were banned to do or to participate in a lot of "normal" activities made all the difference to us...
I hope that your dream job is just a the turn of the corner...
My best wishes for you to find a great job...
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Hey Alex!
Thanks for taking on roll call today! Here are my answers...
What have been your biggest WOW moment?
~ I have had quite a few...not sure that I could pick a biggest. My most recent WOW moment was when I went into Lane Bryant with a friend and I was looking around (for my friend). The sales assistant walked up to me and said, "Um...I am sorry, but you are a bit too small for our store." Cool!
What is your day by day WoW moment?
~ Almost every waking moment is a WOW for me (despite my issues of late). I love the way I can sit in my car now, I love that I can (and do!) shop anywhere. I love that I never have to do a room sweep to see if a.) I am the fattest person there or b.) to make sure I can squeeze by people/desks/etc. if necessary. I love the fact that, even though I FEEL really fat (especially now because I am eating poorly), when I see a photo of myself, I think I look pretty thin. I just love the post-op life!
What is your most intimate WOW moment?
~ Not sure. I love feeling my hip bones. That is a totally groovy thing!
What was your last goal achieved?
~ My last goal was to get into a size 10. That was a loooong time ago now. Bad!
What is your next goal to achieve?
~ I REALLY want to hit 160. And now I am inspired by Dawn's challenge so I want to get down to 155 by Christmas!
Love and hugs,
Jersey Mom
Hola dear JM!!!
155??? WOW!!! sounds terrific!!!
The goal is awaiting for you!!! it's there for you to take it and sing: VICTORY!!!!
I love to realize the huge change we all are having in our lifes. Life is not as easy for us being skinny as we tought it would be when we were obese. But I sure am ready in a better shape to take the challenges now than when I was 305. I am sure that you and all the people here feel the same.
You are a very fine and wonderful and beautiful friend...
Thanks a lot for your friendship
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
It's late but I'll play and share my wow's!!
What have been your biggest WOW moment?
*Buying size 10 jeans
What is your day by day WoW moment?
*Looking in the mirror and liking what I see.
What is your most intimate WOW moment?
*Lets just say that it has to do with s-e-x!
What was your last goal achieved?
*Fitting into the size 10 jeans
What is your next goal to achieve?
* I want to weigh 175 but I don't see it happening.
At last, at last!!! some one who went directly to the subject!!! LOL!!!
I hope you are as happy as a lot of us are with our new sexual life but not confident enough to mention it here!!!
It's wonderful to realize how many things you can do not having all the extra baggage around you!!! LOL!!!
I hope I am not falling in a subject not accepted... but well that is something that all of us have experienced or will experience some time in our life... lol!!!
In a more serious subject: I know you have worked hard to get where you are now. I wish with all my might that those 175 will be with you very soon and they are not as far as you see them...
My best wishes Kay!!!
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico