Weekend Roll Call
I just popped on and saw there was not a roll call today. I will post a few questions for the weekend.
1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?
4. What is the next movie you want to see?
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched?
6. And the best ...
7. Do you rent movies to watch at home?
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs?
That is the list for now ladies and gents. Wayne will be home soon and we are going out for dinner - no cooking tonight yeah!
God Bless!

1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
Yes, I love them. I am all jazzed b/c I just found out there is one very close to our house. I grew up with drive-ins. In our small town, we had 2 so we went to the drive-ins often.
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already
Yes, but I often fall asleep.
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?
Duh.... yes.
4. What is the next movie you want to see?
Bee Movie, Dan In Real Live, Martian Child are on my list.
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched?
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
6. And the best ...
It's A Wonderful Life
7. Do you rent movies to watch at home?
Yes, from Kroger for a $1.00 per movie per night.
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs?
No, we did before Grace was born. I think it was through Walmart.
Have a great one!
God Bless!

Hi Jen Jen!!!
Very nice questions!!!
1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
We had one thirty years ago. But right now the land is used as a mall. So, I had never the opportunity to go to a drive-in. I am curious about it though...
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already )
I LOVE to go to the movies... I am the one who takes our children to all the block busters...
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?Oh yes!!!
I love to fit in ANY seat now... LOL!!!
4. What is the next movie you want to see? I think it is called NATURALS with Jodie Foster???
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched? mmmmhhh... hard to answer... lol... let's see... El santo vs las mujeres lobo... please do not ask me about it... mexican movies... awful!!!
6. And the best ...
7. Do you rent movies to watch at home? Yes... I have rentes five movies to spend the weekend...
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs? What it Netflix??? I rent the movies at BolckBuster!! lol
Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Hi Jen! Here are my answers...
1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater? Yes, when I was little. I saw "3 Men and a Baby".
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already )
Now I do! I can fit in the seats! Yeah!
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?
4. What is the next movie you want to see?
"Lions & Lambs"
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched?
I don't remember. I don't sit through movies I dislike.
6. And the best ...
Titanic of course!
7. Do you rent movies to watch at home?
All the time every weekend. Last week we saw Monsters Inc. with my little one. It was cute.
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs?
No, I tried Netflix, but just did not dig it.
Have fun at dinner tonight! And have a lovely weekend. I know I will a weekend full of chores
I love cleaning. I really do, I figure if I say that enough I might believe it.

Helloo Jen, Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
**Yes...My first movie at the drive in was.... Jaws!**
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already )
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?
** It is nice not being smashed in the seat**
4. What is the next movie you want to see?
**Bee Movie and Martian child**
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched?
**Dumb and Dumber**
6. And the best ...
**Forest Gump**
7. Do you rent movies to watch at home?
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs
Evening Jen! Have a great Weekend!!!
1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
* I have not
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already )
* I sure do!
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?
* Oh heck yes!
4. What is the next movie you want to see?
* the one with Denzel and Russel!!!!! ***Drooool***
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched?
* Open Water ha ha!
6. And the best ...
* Phantom of the Opera and Rent
7. Do you rent movies to watch at home?
* We do! Speaking of which- mom and dad are out renting one now!
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs?
* That's a negative.
Hey Jen!
Thanks for doing a weekend roll call! Here are my answers...
1. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?
~ I actually never have. And that is too bad.
2. Do you like to go to the movies? (Ronna - we know your answer already )
~ I do enjoy it. But, more for the popcorn than anything else!
3. Do you like the movies more now that you fit in the seat better?
~ I never really had a problem fitting into movie theater seats...I think because I am so tall, my massive weight was distributed more lengthwise.
But now I can sit "Indian-Style" on the seats and that I do love. You should see how I drive now! My left foot is up on the seat, leaning against the door. I always have to have my legs pretzeled in some way!
4. What is the next movie you want to see?
~ I would like to see "Dan in Real Life." Especially after Ronna's review (thanks, Ronna!).
5. What is the worst movie you ever watched?
~ MANY. But the most recent was a movie called "My Little Eye." It was late at night and I was flipping through channels. I just ended up watching this crap. I don't know why but I found it profoundly disturbing.
6. Do you rent movies to watch at home?
~ Yep
8. Do you do Netflix or any of those movie mail clubs?
~ I am a Netflix girl. I started it at the beginning of the year to rent Sex and the City from beginning to end (never watched it on air). Then it recommmended Nip/Tuck to me so I watched all those seasons, too. Then I canceled the membership. My sister recently started watching Gilmore Girls and begged me to watch one epidode so, while my son was in Florida recently, I signed up again and have been getting the Gilmore Girls seasons. I LOVE THAT SHOW!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Jersey Mom