Watcha Eating on Thursday?
Hiya Ladies
How's everyone doing tonight? I'm ok. It's time to share your menu's!! The good, the bad and the ugly!
Here's mine..
Breakfast: 2 Hard boiled eggs
Snack: 1 hard boiled egg
Lunch: Italian turkey sausage link and lite yogart
Snack: Power crunch bar
Snack: Lite yogart
Dinner: Ham, cheese, red onions, lettuce, ff mayo in low carb wheat wrap & raw broccoli w/ lite ranch.
I'm going out with a friend after work and will probably have a couple "drinks".
Ok, Who's next????

Hey gal! Nothing much here. Went to my 1 week post op appt. and she said thngs look excellent. I'm so glad things are going well because I was nervous! But things are looking good and some of my swelling should go down more by next week. I'm getting really depressed while I'm on exercise hiatus! I feel like I've gained 10 lbs. already. I'm trying to watch my food intake but it's getting hard
. Here's my menu:
B- 4 veggie bites, 8 oz. 1% milk
S- 1 banana; 42g New Whey vial
L- 1 italian sausage, 1/4c/ spaghetti, 1/4c. okra & tomatoes
S- handful goldfish crackers
D- 2 wings, 1/4c. noodles, 1/4c. broccoli