Update on my son John....
{{{{{{{MY FRIEND}}}}}}}}
Hey Lady...I cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this! What an absolute nightmare.
First of all, I am glad that your son's PCP is ruling out all the physical possibilities before moving on to the psychological. That is very wise. While I certainly hope that the physical tests come back negative, it is often much more difficult to fix psychological problems.
I hate that you son has to go through this. I am sure you have exhausted all options but...is there a chance you can put him in a different school? Is there ANY chance of homeschooling? I just can't imagine what it must be like to get bullied every single day. Some kids just plain suck.
You should try to get the Don't Laugh program in your school. It is an anti-bullying program that I have heard is very effective. You can check it out at dontlaugh.org.
In the meantime, please know that I am thinking about you and wishing that your son's problems will all go away soon.
I am always here if you need me.
Love you!
Jersey Mom
Thanks Jersey you are one of the best! I will definately look into the web linkyou gave me...As far as homeschooling or switching schools, it won't be possible until we know what is going on health wise. If it is psychological then I will definately put up a fuss and make sure there is an alternative for him...Right now Montel has bullying on his show! Looks interesting. Anyway thanks for your support!
Hugs and Love you too!
So sorry you and your son are going through all of this! I can't believe his principal tried to blame him for the bullying. Although it's a horrible thing, I can really see why some children result to violence against other schoolchildren.I certainly don't condone it, but I can see how it happens. They have no backup from th school administrators! Sorry, that was my soapbox. Just because the docs can't find anything doesn't mean there isn't something wrong. Sometimes you just need the right doc. I would research some docs in and out of your area...docs that specialize and are quite well known. They are sometimes more willing to really investigate what's going on instead of blowing you off because THEY don't know whats wrong. I hope you find out what's going on!