Roll Call - Thursday
Hello all since our Jersey Mamma is on leave today I will post roll call.
I hope you are all well. We have been up since before the crack of dawn. Marissa is a school, Grace and nathanial are plopped in fronot of the TV (shame on me) and Baby Faith is sitting here beside me "talking."
1. What is a day in your life like?
2. Do you keep a schedule or go with the flow?
3. Are you organized, messy or in between?
4. What does your closet look like?
5. Do you have a cleaning person (beside yourself or a family member) ?
Have a great day and God Bless!
Jen and Faith
Here are my answers ...
1. I usually get up when Faith calls, then at 6am wake Marissa and get her ready for school. We have breakfast btwn 8 -9, play, lunch btwn 11- 12, then nap 12 -2, play for the rest of the day until daddy comes home at 6:30 we have dinner. Kids go to bed btwn 7:30 - 8:00 and then I hang out with hubby. All through the day I nurse the girl and work on house stuff, laundry, dishes, vacuum, floors etc.
2. We have a schedule but I am flexible and do not freak out if something does not happen at the precise time it normally does.
3. I have a chaotic organized mess. I am a bin/box person - most things have a bin/box then go in. I have so many freakin bins I do not know what to do with them.
4. Shirts on top, pants on bottom, all mixed by color ~ big pile of stuff to go through and do something with????? All the shore racks are overfull so I have about 20 pairs of shoes piled on the floor. It is pretty much a mess. Before kids, everything was organized by season and color. Not any more, I just do not have the time or desire to be that anal any more.
5. I do not currently but am really considering having someone come in to do the deep cleaning stuff. I can keep the surface clean but struggle to get the deep cleaning stuff done.
Well Faith is no longer talking - she is getting mad and wants to eat (the 3rd time this AM) Take care and God Bless!

Thank you for doing this Jen.....
1. What is a day in your life like? I get up get my 5 year old ready, make sure the teenagers are getting ready, get them to school, go by Starbucks, go to my office work, go pick up kids, about three nights a week we have 2 vollyball games to watch or whichever sport is in season vollyball is ending and basketball will start at the end of the month, then zoom home and either make dinner about 2 nights a week or pick up take out the other nights, then get the little one in the tub jammies and work on letters or read a book then bed for her try to interact with the others throughout this whole process, then sit in my chair and check out the computer read the news the board, check my e-mail etc. then off to bed.
2. Do you keep a schedule or go with the flow? If I plan a schedule I get very frustrated there is always something that needs to be done, Dr appts, Go to the Mall tonight for something that they can't live another day without etc etc... wait until you have teenagers ......
3. Are you organized, messy or in between? I am not messy however these days I am not as organized as I would like to be
4. What does your closet look like? I have a nice large closet it is custom you know with drawers lots of racks etc you know California Closets ? Well its sort of funny because before I would wear black pants and a streachy sort of professional top like everyday so I didn't have lots of clothes and I used one of the hang rods and I let my husband use the others one for polos, one for pants, one for dress shirts, one for golf/wind shirts and jackets NOW I have so many more clothes and keep cramming I don't know how to tell him hey I need you to relinquish one of those hang rods ???
5. Do you have a cleaning person (beside yourself or a family member) ? I am very particular about cleaning, the girls always say why should we do it you are going to just redo it afterwards because its not right, so no it would be nice but it would be more stress than its worth, my mother has a cleaning woman every wednesday and she gets up early wednesday to clean before Lidia gets there, crazy ..... We do have a gardener that comes on Mondays and does a great job cleaning the patio, pool area and yard for us.
Well I have not posted on here in a good 6 months but have lurked lately and decided if I want to kick start my wls routine back on track I am -6lbs under Dr,s goal but still have 20lbs to my goal then want plastics which I am hoping will put me in a normal weight range for the first time in my life.
Hey Jen and Faith!
Thanks so much for taking on roll call today. I have much to do at work right now but ZERO motivation are my responses...
1. What is a day in your life like?
~ I get up at 5:30 AM. I take a shower and make sure I am completely ready and the car is totally packed up by 6:30 AM. Along with shower/hair/make-up, that also includes making the bed and straightening up a little. Then I turn on my son's favorite music (he is currently addicted to the song "Malti" by Dan Zanes and Barbara Brousal). I turn it on in the bathroom fairly loudly so that he can hear it in his bedroom. If he does not stir, then I open his bedroom door. Once I hear him start to move, I start dancing like a total dork so that the first emotion he feels in the morning is laughter.
Then I get him up and take him to my bedroom to get him dressed. Then we go downstairs and watch Jo Jo's Circus while I put his sneakers and jacket on. Then I drive him to daycare and die inside because I have to leave him.
I head to work at around 7:15 AM...getting there before 8 AM unless the traffic sucks. I am a work zombie until 4:30 PM at which time I make skid marks out the door to get to my car and back to my son!
I pick him up at the daycare and bring him home. I let out Max (doggie) and feed him. Then I start making dinner. While it is cooking, I play with my son, load/empty the dishwasher...straighten anything else up that I see needs straightening. If my husband gets home too late, I feed my son...otherwise we all eat together when he gets home. Then we all play together again!
At 7:30 on the dot, I take my son into the bathroom for tubbie time. While he is finishing up in the tub, I wash my face. Then I take him out of the tub and we go to my bedroom. I put cream on him and get him dressed in his jammies and we settle into a movie while he has some warm milk. At 8:30 on the button, he goes to bed.
At that point, I clean up the tub stuff, make his lunch and snacks for the next day, make my lunch for the next day and clean the kitchen. Then I go clean the rec room where he played earlier in the night. If I have time, I do a load of laundry. On most nights, I am in bed by 10:00 PM. Thrillsville, right?
2. Do you keep a schedule or go with the flow?
~ While my son is in daycare, I have to keep a rigid schedule or I am completely fu**ed. For example, last night my son woke up a lot...whimpering and coughing. When I hear him do that, I do NOT sleep. And when I do not sleep, life is a lot darker the next day. I try to keep as much structure as possible...for my own sanity.
3. Are you organized, messy or in between?
~ Both. In some respects I am totally, 100% organized. And then there is my SUV. It is a $25,000 trash can. I am ashamed of it but it is kind of like Monica's secret closet on Friends!
4. What does your closet look like?
~ Well, UNLIKE Monica's closet, mine is nice. It is a small walk-in and it is all mine! I have my jeans and dresses on the left and my shirts on the right. On the one shelf I have four colored fabric bins to store socks, stockings, bathing suits and other miscellaneous items. It is very Trading Spaces.
5. Do you have a cleaning person (beside yourself or a family member)?
~ No but I wish I did. More than that I wish I had a landscaper. That would save my husband a lot of time on the weekends. Ah well!
Have a great day, everyone!

1. What is a day in your life like? My day is pretty boring.....Get up and get the kids off to school/work and then house work and that it......
2. Do you keep a schedule or go with the flow? I retty much go with the flo...............
3. Are you organized, messy or in between? definately not organized but I am not a messy either so perhaps in between.....
4. What does your closet look like? Crowded because it is very small and my husband and I have the smallest room in the house, I own loads of purses and they are in a bin at the bottom of my closet along with a bin of boots
It is also where I keep momento's and such.....
5. Do you have a cleaning person (beside yourself or a family member) ? I only wish I had a cleaning lady....I am always telling the kids to pick up after themselves as it is the cleaning ladies day off....
Thanks for doing this Jen....
Hugs, Chris

1. Depends on the day I work 12am to 8am 3 days and 1-9pm others typically I try to get up early to get my kids off to school and grab a cup of coffee then make my phone calls that I need to and then what ever chores need done along with any errands then dinner and relax befor bed for the kids and me
2.I try to keep a schedule since I have 2 sever ADHD children and one ADD teenager.
3. I TRY to stay organized but most of the time am in between
4. Right now not so great I live with family so I share with my 3 kids
5.NOPE to anal my oldest says for that