Sorry I've been MIA but - Good Vibes Needed
Sorry I've been kind of MIA lately. But I have been running around like a crazy person going to job interviews.
I guess that's a good thing. Boy is it different this time around. In 2003 after I was laid off there was just nothing. In a 15 month job search I had a whopping 7 interviews. This time around in just 5 months I've visited 11 different companies, but until now, none of them felt like they were the right fit.
In the past week, I have to the same company 3 times, interviewed with 5 people and tomorrow at 3pm, I go in for a face to face with the CEO, who would be my boss if I get the job.
This spot couldn't be more perfect if I designed it myself.
Great location - 20 minutes from home
Salary - right in my range plus bonus
Small rapidly growing company - have doubled sales 3 years in a row
Casual atmosphere - you can wear jeans everyday - who-ho!!!
Super people
And best of all - I would be their first HR person - I love that!!!!!!
So my January Sisters, please cross your fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes and anything else you can cross for me.
I am really excited about this opportunity but trying to restrain myself. I wi**** were tomorrow already.
Thanks in advance for your good vibes!
Sending hugs,