Monday Roll Call

on 10/14/07 10:49 pm - Northern, NJ
Good morning, Everyone: As I was driving my boy to daycare today, you would not believe the feeling of joy that I had. My son is back and, as corny as this sounds, I feel like I am whole again. We had the BEST day together yesterday. We had a wonderful night and a great morning. I woke him up with music (he WE love...Dan Zanes)...we danced together, hung out...and he was even happy to get in the car. So...during that time I was planning to write the most positive, uplifting roll call ever! But then I dropped him off at daycare. It was terrible...worse than it ever was even when he was younger. I am not a crier...the last time I cried was on February 6, 2007...because I was in so much pain due to my bowel twist. But...holding him this morning as he was begging me not to leave him unleashed MAJOR waterworks. I cried when I left him...I cried the entire 40 minute ride to work and am on the verge of tears again. And, boy do I look HOT today! My face looks SO sexy all red and puffy! I know he will be fine...and maybe he will even be happy there eventually. But, right now my heart is broken. I would give anything to be a SAHM...he is the light of my life and I just want to be with him always. So...I am sorry for my blahness. I was really going to pelt you guys with sunshine today! Onto roll call... 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears? 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter? 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night? 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like? Have a great day, everyone! Love and hugs, Jersey Mom
on 10/14/07 11:00 pm - Northern, NJ
My answers... 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears? ~ Well, you know the answer to this question. About 10 minutes ago was the last time I cried. I still cannot believe I left my son at daycare when every fiber of my being just wanted to pick him up and take him back home. 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter? ~ Last week. My Mom called me on my cellphone on my way home from work because she kept putting her head down on my son's lap and he tugged at her hair. She then shrieked (kidding) which caused my son to laugh his butt off. So she called me to let me hear him laughing. He was laughing SO hard that it just killed me. It made ME laugh so hard that my cheeks literally was awesome. 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night? ~ Well, typically I try to have my last thought be how thankful I am for my life. It is not exactly a prayer, anymore, but it is a thought of thanks to whatever made my life what it is. 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? ~ I generally think of my son first thing...hoping he will not wake up before I have a chance to get everything for work/preschool ready (I do 99.9% of it the night before). That way I get to spend the little time we have in the mornings together rather than my running around getting things together. 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like? ~ I did. I bought two huge honkin' bags from CostCo. You would THINK I would just buy things like Almond Joy and Mounds...because I HATE them! But...nooOOOooo...I bought a mixed bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (YUM!); Kit Kats (YUM!); Nestle's Crunch (Yum); Hershey's Milk Chocolate and Peanut M&M's. Luckily it does not have Twix in it (my absolute favorite). Uh, yeah, I did have a few pieces, already! Bad me! Have a great day everyone! Hugs, Jersey Mom
Jen Jen J.
on 10/14/07 11:14 pm - Houston, TX
Good Morning JM, Big hugs, I am sorry you are so sad over leaving your boy. A SAHM huh? ~ here is my day so far - up at 5 am nursed the baby, woke Marissa, made her toast and pb, banana and chocolate smoothies (made enough for all the kids), got her dressed, combed her hair, folded laundry that was sitting in th lr since yesterday, transferred load in washer to dryer put another load in, folded & hung the load I took out of the dryer, nursed the baby, checked emails, got Nathanial up and now I am nursing her again ... so the day goes. She nurses frequently in the am b/c she sleeps through the night so we feed about every 45-60 min in the am. I am waiting for Grace to wake up so I can feed her and Nathanial together. It is not glamorous but is rewarding. 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears? Last week I was making a video of the kids for court, looking at how much they have grown and how fast it is all happening, I just sat here and bawled. Then I had to call my hubby and cry to him. I am pretty sappy. 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter? Over the weekend. Grace was telling me something that I did not understand and I kept asking her what she was saying. Her reply was blah, blah, blah, that is what I am talking about. She said it like 20 times and would hold her hands up while shrugging her shoulders. It was hysterical, I am sure she thought I was a goofball b/c I could not understand her. 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night? I hope the baby stays asleep. 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Faith needs to eat... I do not get up until she calls me. 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like? I have not bought any but had a friend give me a bag of milky ways ... bad friend. Have a great day!
on 10/14/07 11:49 pm - Northern, NJ
My dearest Jen: Let me further qualify my statement. I want to be a SAHM for my ONE son! I do not know how you do it, woman! But you are an inspiration to me! Hugs, Jersey
Melissa Morris
on 10/15/07 2:05 am
RNY on 01/26/06 with
Hello all! 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears? ~ I went home to Ohio in August to see my family, I was sick, hurting, tired, and found out that my Mom's cancer is growing. I DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE OHIO, I have never been really close ****il after my surger) anyway, I just wanted to climb in bed with her and never leave. I always cry when I leave but this time, I cried the whole trip (driving) back to Texas and for 3 weeks afterwards. I am tearing up now, my Daddy stood in the doorway of the house and cried because I was crying so hard. I did not even cry like that when I moved here. 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter? ~ It is sad to say I can not remember, I laugh at the new "Rock" movie I think it was the game plan. But when I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt, I just don't know. (Gosh, that makes me kind of sad) 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night? ~ LOL, almost every night I think please let me get pregnant easy (with twins). The doctor says after the surgery on the 24th of this month I can start trying. 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? ~ Please let me get pregnant easy (with twins). 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like? ~Nope, my DH bought pez candies which he loves and I don't so he just buys it for himself. This will be our first year passing out candy, we lived in the woods for the last 5 years no kids ever came to our home. So I am so excited, DH wants to dress up to "scare the little kids" but he can not stand to see a kid cry so I don't think he will. Much Love to all, Melissa 670/225/165
on 10/15/07 3:56 am - Lockport, NY
Ok, I am sorry you had such a sad morning. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right? Just think when you get home you can hold him all night! 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears? The last time I cried was October 12, 2002, My father in law passed away after being sick for a very long time with Emphysema. It was excruciating to know I had to go home and tell my kids. They worshipped the ground he walked on and they were devastated. At the time they were 14, 12 and 9. 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter? The other day I was watching a video of when my son was born through 2 years of age and it brought back happy and sweet memories. Aren't video's wonderful? 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night? Hope I sleep..... 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Is it morning already? 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like? This is funny..........My daughter picked up several bags of candy for my friend, (she works at Walgreen's and it was on sale.) I had a stressful couple of days and I had no goodies in the house (except Steph's candy) so I snuck a bag of twix and sat here eating them and trying to feel better. I ate to many and went to bed sick, the next day I admitted it to my hubby and I allowed my son to finish what was left. I went out and bought another bag for Steph and gave it to her right away..... Hugs, Chris
on 10/15/07 4:32 am - AZ
I have to remind myself just what the teachers say: 1. She stops when you leave. 2. She has a total blast playing with her friends 3. Ok check it out when you pick him up today is he a huge hurry to leave or does he look like he is having fun with his friends. I have always wanted to be a SAHM however our finances could not handle it then as time grew on and they went to school I was like wow I am glad I have a job during the day or I would be so bored and I must have adult mental stimulation that you can only get from being with others your same age all day. I am not discouraging you to SAH just not to feel bad because you work, my MIL & SIL have always made me feel terable about working but you do what you have to do. Now my SIL kids are all grown up she has stayed at home since the oldest was a baby and home schooled all those years and now she's like what do I do ? KEEP YOUR CHIN UP TORI
on 10/15/07 4:49 am - AZ
Its Monday ......... 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears? I cried in pain at the hospital with my last plastics I had let my pain medicine lapse to long. 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter? I can't remember ? 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night? Checking on the kids and then praying. 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Waking up the kids 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like? Ok I used to buy tons of candy and eat tons of candy this year I am going to buy those little playdo's, kids like them and my husband doesn't need all the extra sugar and fat.......... ooo do I sound like an old person ? Didn't you hate it when you were a kid and there was the old person with the pennies or raisins ... HAVE A GREAT MONDAY TORI Have a great day, everyone!
on 10/15/07 5:32 am - Lockport, NY
I liked the pennies because it was the only money I ever had! Hugs, Chris
on 10/15/07 5:08 am - Belleville, IL
Hi Everyone! I've missed you all. I've been on an extended vacation and am finally back home. I'm sorry you're hurting JM. There's nothing harder than being a mom. 1. When was the last time you cried? What caused the tears?**** In Sept. when I got turned down by insurance for plastics. 2. When was the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt? What caused the laughter?****I laugh all the time...but a really good belly laugh has been a while. 3. What is typically your last thought before you fall asleep at night?***I thank god for all I have. 4. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?***I'm awake to live another day. 5. Did you buy Halloween candy yet? Did you eat any? Do you buy Halloween candy that you like or that you don't like?****I have not bought any yet..but I have eaten some that someone else had.
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