Roll Call!
Good afternoon, Everyone!
I am sitting here at work and, for the first time in a long time, I am sooooo bored! I am also starving since I started a modified "Back to Basics" today...
Anyhow...I thought I would do a roll call today since this board seems to be gasping its last breath.
1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are?
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it?
4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case?
5. Say something nice about a member of this board...
Have a great day everyone!
Jersey Mom

Here are my answers:
1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are?
~ No, dangit, I didn't. I have been bouncing between 163 and 170 for months now. I am NOT happy about it! I am confident that I WILL get there, though. If I could stick to this B2B for more than one day, it would help!
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
~ The last book I read was Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich. I recommend ANYTHING by her...her books actually make me laugh aloud!
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it?
~ The last full movie I watched was Rent. I do recommend it if you like musicals. I cannot believe how quickly this has become a "period piece."
4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case?
~ I asked this question because I have been reading a lot about this lately. I have no idea if the McCanns are in any way guilty of their daughter's disappearance. I really hope not. That being said, I have huge issues with them leaving their three young children alone in a hotel room. I honestly cannot imagine any intelligent person doing that. I am not saying I am mother of the year...I am FAR from it...but even when I go to the ATM at my local Quick Chek, even if I park right by the door...and even though the wall of the Quick Chek is all glass and I could look directly at my son in his car seat from the ATM machine, I STILL would not leave him in the car. He does not leave my site...I just cannot fathom anyone leaving three young children alone in a hotel room! Do they deserve what happened to them? No. Do I think they are complete idiots? I kind of do.
5. Say something nice about a member of this board...
~ It is actually hard to pick just one because I love all of you guys! But for today I will pick Ronna...because she is my not-so-secret Secret Pal and she makes me feel very special. I happen to think that SHE is amazingly special, too! She is gorgeous and cool and always brightens my day!
All my love guys!
Jersey Mom

Well here we are at a very dull, dull board, so I'll play.
1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are? Still struggling to get there. I made my doctor's goal but still have 15 pounds to get to mine. Even then my BMI is not at normal. I would have to lose 21 pounds beyond that to get to a 25 BMI....but I doubt that would ever happen.
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? I'm in the middle of "Me", by Katherine Hepburn. It's her autobiography that she wrote when she was in her 80"s. It is fascinating. Lots of great old pictures too. I always loved "Kate" and have seen all her movies at least twice
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it? Saw "Eastern Promises" last night. (See post below)
4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case? That's a tough one. I guess I would be looking hard at the parents.
5. Say something nice about a member of this board... You look wonderful darling
Your hair is looking great!!

1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are? Yes I made it to goal and have went up and down about 5 pounds
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? It was a while ago and it was A million little pieces and then Leonards Story they were both vrey good I have a 5 year old so not much time to read
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it? It was Ratatouie and yes it was very entertaining if you are 5
4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case? I wonder ?
5. Say something nice about a member of this board... I love Chris she is so funny .....
Hey Jersey! I have been swamped with midterms and papers, but NEEDED a break, so I will join roll call for today!
1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are?
I am soooooo glad you asked this question, because the answer is YES!!! Just yesterday actually, and I am thrilled!
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
the only books I have been reading lately are text books and unless you want to teach or love history I wouldn't recommend any of them, lol.
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it?
you don't really wanna know the last movie I watched, let's just say a bit inappropriate(involving a bay watch beauty and a rock star), but I would recommend it anyways, 

4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case?
I am seriously buried in school...I have no idea what it is.
5. Say something nice about a member of this board...
I can say something nice about many members of this board, but to choose just one would definitely be Chris(ladybug mom) She is just an amazing person and friend, she is the first person I told I made goal and she was sincerely happy for me. I am so glad we have gotten to be such good friends.

1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are? Unfortunately I did not make goal and even though I am happy I am smaller I still want to reach my goal which is now 20 lbs away from my goal and at one point was only 9 lbs away. I am ambitious enough to get to that goal though!
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? I read shopaholic and baby and absolutely love the author and her humor through out the series.....Yes go read it and you will chuckle too.....
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it? The last movie I watched was the Brave one with Jodi Foster and thought it was awesome. I think you would like it too....
4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case? I agree with Jersey I am not sure and I hope the parents had nothing to do with Maddie's disappearance, but definately have a problem with them leaving their three young children alone. Mine are teenagers and I still have difficulty leaving them alone!
5. Say something nice about a member of this board...
I am going to cheat and say nice things about a few members of this board.....
Jersey ........You are an absolutely beautiful lady and I love your spirit.
Tori...........You are also very funny and I think we could be good friends. You are always there to support me and ask me about my son and I appreciate it so much....
Ronna......You are a great support person and I appreciate your positive outlook and support!
Karyn........You are a great friend and deserve happiness and I am sure things will work out for you!
Anna............I miss YOU! I am so glad we met and have such a great friendship and you are an awesome support person too!
There are many more people I have missed and for that I am sorry, I would hate to see this board fold up and die but this doesn't seem to be a priority for many anymore and those that do post do not respond to all!
I'll play
1. I did make goal.......and then passed it.........I wanted to be at 135 - I'm now at 118. I am now starting to feel better so, yes, I'm happy with it.
2. The last book I read was Mother God by Sylvia Brown. I loved it and would highly recommend it.
3. I can't remember the last movie I watched - LOL.
4. I think if the parents didn't 'do it' - they were 'involved'. No one just leaves their children alone in a hotel room.
5. I can't choose just 'one' - having been that person that was always chosen 'last' my psyche still hurts from it - I will way nice things about EVERYONE on this board.....WE ARE STRONG, DETERMINED, AND SUPER GREAT WOMEN (AND MEN). OUR LIVES ARE JUST BEGINNING
Rose from PA

1. Did you ever make goal? If not, are you happy where you are?
I never made goal weight. A main goal of this surgery, for me, was to have another (or a few more) child. Thankfully, I met that goal. I am sitting at about 209. My goal was 175 and I had been at 194 before getting preggo. I would like to get back below 200 but am not very motivated. I am emotionally eating like crazy. We go to court again tomorrow for the kids (4th time since August) and I would really like a bag of doritos RIGHT NOW!
2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
I am reading Praying God's Word: Breaking Free From Spiritual Strongholds by Beth Moore. Yes I would recommend it.
3. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it?
Eight Below, yes it was a good movie.
4. A controversial topic...what do you think about the McCann case?
As a mother of numerous toddlers, I know how stressful life with small kids can be. That being said, I cannot for a minute, fathom leaving any or all of them alone in a hotel room. If their story is true, WTH were they thinking??? It seems kind of fishy to me.
Side bar but kind of related ... I read in People that Natalie Holloway's mom is dating Jon Benette Ramsey's dad. How weird.
5. Say something nice about a member of this board...
I love Kay and April's commitment to posting their menus. If I did that maybe I would keep a bunch of junk out of my mouth.