RYP Day 4
OK on to day 4 and solid protein
Also I have discovered why I was feeling so dizzy and rotten yesterday. I fell asleep in the evening in my recliner and woke up with a cold. So I think that's why I was dizzy and why my blood sugar was so wacky
Anyway today I had:
1/2 C Low fat Cottage Cheese and 6 strawberries for breakfast
4oz Chicken Breast for lunch
5 oz Tuna Steak for Dinner and;
A protein shake for a snack
Feeling full and not hungry at all. And best of all today when I stepped on the scale I was under 200 199.2 to be exact. First time in months that I have been under 200.
Tomorrow is the last day but I'm hoping that I will be able to stay off the processed carbs going forward.
Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday.
Sending hugs,